Time line of ESL Legislation Jena Tabor- ESL Teacher Flintville Elementary School
Laws That Had The Greatest Impact on ELL Students Civil Rights Act- Title VI Equal Educational Opportunities Act Lau v. Nichols Plyer v. Doe No Child Left Behind Act
1964 Civil Rights Act-Title VI Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national orgin in any programs that is federally funded. ELL children can't be denied health, education, or welfare because of their limited English.
1974- Equal Educational Opportunities Act Act states that schools must provide language services to help ELL overcome language barriers. Schools are required to provide parents who not not speak English documents in their native language.
1974-Lau v. Nichols This Supreme Court Case ruled that treating all children the same does not mean they have equal opportunity, especially if they are limited in the English language.
1982-Pl yer v. Doe This Supreme Court Case ruled that students can not be denied an education due to lack of American citizenship. The Fourteenth Amendment allows a free and public education to all children regardless of their immigrant status.
2001- No child Left Behind Act (NCLB) NCLB requires ELL receive quality instruction for learning English and academic content. All ELL must take a yearly language proficiency test and must meet AYP.
Impact of Civil Rights Act on TN All children of any national origin were allowed to attend school and any other activity receiving federal funding in TN.
Impact of The Equal Educational Act in TN Tennessee provided language services to help children learn English. Schools were required to send documents home in both English and the home language.
Impact of Lau v. Nichols in TN School districts in TN could not group minorities with Special Ed because of the language barrier. Minority students were given special services to help with English development.
Impact of Plyer v. Doe in TN Tennessee had to service children who from families who were undocumented aliens. Schools could not ask for information concerning immigration.
Impact of No Child Left Behind Act in TN Federal funding in Tennessee was based on student performance. ELL students are monitored and expected to meet state standards. Tennessee curriculum must be researched based and effective.
Resources Regarding ELL Laws
References rights-act/ rights-act/ q=2&oq=NClb+&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS261US282&q=nclb+summary