KITPC Max Planck Institut of Quantum Optics (Garching) Tensor networks for dynamical observables in 1D systems Mari-Carmen Bañuls
Tensor network techniques and dynamics An application to experimental situation Limitations, advances
Introduction Approximate methods are fundamental for the numerical study of many body problems
Introduction Efficient representations of many body systems Tensor Network States states with little entanglement are easy to describe We also need efficient ways of computing with them
What are TNS? A general state of the N-body Hilbert space has exponentially many coefficients A TNS has only a polynomial number of parameters N-legged tensor TNS = Tensor Network States
What are TNS? A particular example Mean field approximation Can still produce good results in some cases product state! TNS = Tensor Network States
Successful history regarding static properties Introduction
➡ In particular in 1D DMRG methods ‣ Matrix Product State (MPS) representation of physical states White, PRL 1992 Schollwöck, RMP 2005 Verstraete et al, PRL 2004
Introduction ➡ In 2D MPS generalized by PEPS ‣ much higher computational cost ‣ recent developments ‣ Tensor Renormalization ‣ iPEPS Gu, Levin, Wen 2008 Jiang, Weng, Xiang, 2008 Zhao et al., 2010 Verstraete, Cirac, 2004 Jordan et al PRL 2008 Wang, Verstraete, 2011 Corboz et al 2011, 2012
Dynamics is a more difficult challenge Introduction even in 1D
with many potential applications Introduction
with many potential applications theoretical applied non-equilibrium dynamics transport problems predict experiments
What can we say about dynamics with MPS?
The tool: MPS
Matrix Product States
number of parameters
MPS good at states with small entanglement ‣ controlled by parameter D Matrix Product States
Works great for ground state properties... ➡ finite chains → ➡ infinite chains → Östlund, Rommer, PRL 1995 Vidal, PRL 2007 White, PRL 1992 Schollwöck, RMP 2005
MPS are a good ansatz! (Most) ground states satisfy an area law...because of entanglement
Matrix Product States Can also do time evolution finite chains infinite (TI) chains ⇒ iTEBD but... Vidal, PRL 2003 White, Feiguin, PRL 2004 Daley et al., 2004 Vidal, PRL 2007 TEBD t-DMRG
Under time evolution entanglement can grow fast !
Entropy of evolved state may grow linearly required bond for fixed precision Osborne, PRL 2006 Schuch et al., NJP 2008 bond dim time Matrix Product States
But not completely hopeless...
Will work for short times For states close to the ground state Used to simulate adiabatic processes Predictions at short times Imaginary time (Euclidean) evolution → ground states Matrix Product States
Simulating adiabatic dynamics for the experiment A particular application
Adiabatic preparation of Heisenberg antiferromagnet with ultracold fermions
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Fermi-Hubbard model describing fermions in an optical lattice hopping interaction limit t-J model
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM hopping exchange interaction Fermi-Hubbard model describing fermions in an optical lattice
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM hopping exchange interaction Heisenberg model
Simulation of dynamics in OL experiments Fermionic Hubbard model realized in OL Jördens et al., Nature 2008 Schneider et al., Science 2008 Observed Mott insulator, band insulating phases
Simulation of dynamics in OL experiments Challenge: prepare long-range antiferromagnetic order Problem: low entropy required beyond direct preparation Jördens et al., PRL 2010 e.g. t-J at half filling
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Adiabatic protocol initial state with low S tune interactions to how long does it take? what if there are defects?
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Feasible proposal Band insulator big gap non-interacting second OL Product of singlets Lubasch, Murg, Schneider, Cirac, MCB PRL 107, (2011)165301
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Feasible proposal Product of singlets Lower barriers Trotzky et al., PRL 2010 Lubasch, Murg, Schneider, Cirac, MCB PRL 107, (2011)165301
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Feasible proposal Final Hamiltonian Lubasch, Murg, Schneider, Cirac, MCB PRL 107, (2011)165301
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM We find: Feasible time scales Fraction of magnetization
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM We find: Local adiabaticity Large system ⇒ longer time antiferromagnetic state on a sublattice
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Fraction of magnetization We find: Local adiabaticity
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Experiments at finite T ➡ holes expected
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Holes destroy magnetic order simplified picture: free particle 2 holes
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Hole dynamics
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM Holes destroy magnetic order 2 holes simplified picture: free particle
Control holes with harmonic trap
Adiabatic Heisenberg AFM
Harmonic trap can control the effect of holes
feasible proposal for adiabatic preparation (time scales) local adiabaticity: AFM in a sublattice faster holes can be controlled by harmonic trap generalize to 2D system M. Lubasch, V. Murg, U. Schneider, J.I. Cirac, MCB PRL 107, (2011) We found
Is this all we can do with MPS techniques?
Not really
In some cases, longer times attainable with new tricks
Key: observables as contracted tensor network
entanglement in network ⇒ MPS tools
Observables as a TN
Apply evolution operator non local!discretize time still non local Observables as a TN
Apply operator
Observables as a TN the problem is contracting the TN t-DMRG
Observables as a TN MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) transverse contraction
Observables as a TN MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) infinite TI system
Observables as a TN MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) infinite TI system reduces to dominant eigenvectors are they well approximated by MPS?
a question of the entanglement in the network
intuition from free propagation MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) Observables as a TN
A toy TN model
more efficient description of entanglement is possible!
Bring together sites corresponding to the same time step Folded transverse method MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012)
Folded transverse method Contract the resulting network in the transverse direction larger tensor dimensions smaller transverse entanglement MCB, Hastings, Verstraete, Cirac, PRL 102, (2009) Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012)
toy model, checked with real time evolution under free fermion models
Ising model Maximum entropy in the transverse eigenvector unfolded folded
Longer times than standard approach Smooth effect of error: qualitative description possible Results
Try Ising chain Real time evolution without folding
Real time evolution transverse contraction and folding
other observables
dynamical correlators
Dynamical correlators Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012)
Dynamical correlators Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012)
Dynamical correlators Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) special case correlators in the GS
Dynamical correlators special case correlators in the GS optimal: combination of techniques Müller-Hermes, Cirac, MCB, NJP 14, (2012) GS MPS can be found by iTEBD
XY model transverse minimal TN
Fix non-integrable Hamiltonian vary initial state Compute for small number of sites Compare to the thermal state with the same energy Thermalization of infinite quantum systems Different applications MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 106, (2011)
Thermalization of infinite quantum systems different initial product states integrable if g=0 or h=0 MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 106, (2011) Different applications
Compute the reduced density matrix for several sites ➡ computing all Reduced density matrix MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 106, (2011)
Application: thermalization Compute the reduced density matrix for several sites ➡ computing all Compare to thermal state ➡ corresponding to the same energy Measure non-thermalization as distance MCB, Cirac, Hastings, PRL 106, (2011)
Thermalization of infinite quantum systems Different applications
Thermalization of infinite quantum systems Different applications
Mixed states ➡ thermal states ➡ open systems Long range interactions ➡ Schwinger model Ongoing work with K. Jansen and K. Cichy (DESY)
Take home message: Tensor network techniques can be useful for the study of dynamics
Conclusions Tensor network techniques can be useful for the study of dynamics TEBD, t-DMRG ‣ short times and close to equilibrium ‣ don’t forget imaginary time evolution! Transverse contraction + Folding +... ‣ longer times than other methods ‣ qualitative description at very long times Applications...