IHS and PCC Setup BGO and BEH Components RPMS EHR = CPRS + PCC
Learning Objectives Customize and maintain picklists for ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes, E/M Services, CPT Procedure Codes, and Patient Education Codes to optimize accuracy of clinical documentation Import and export best practice picklists for the purpose of standardization Compare and contrast BGO versus BEH Components Identify the parameters associated with the creation and editing of Superbills and Picklists Assign appropriate keys needed to create and edit Superbills and Picklists Examine the menu options and features available to customize Superbills and Picklists Create a Superbill and Picklist for your facility
RPMS EHR = CPRS + PCC BEH –B “EHR” –EHR Functionality BGO –PCC Functionality –Immunizations –Health Factors –Patient Education –Exams –International Classification of Disease, Ninth Edition (ICD-9) Picklists and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Superbills
Patient Context Configuration DMO Allow Viewing of Demo Patients Only DTL Set Logic for Patient Detail View LST Recall Last Selected Patient RNG Default Date Ranges for Patient Selection Dialog
Encounter Context Configuration CRT Allow User to Create New Visits LCK Days After Which Visit is Locked PRV Allow a User to be a Visit Provider STP Visit Search Stop Date STR Visit Search Start Date TYP Selectable Visit Types
Reports Create new print formats Which health summaries should be seen in the EHR Which reports should appear on the reports tab What the time frames should be on reports
Vital Measurements Users determine which measurements appear for viewing (one view for whole system) Users determine which vitals will be entered (different settings)
PCC Setup Several parameters to disable editing of: –Health factors –Exams –Immunizations –Purposes of Visit (POVs) –Patient education –Procedures –Personal health –Problem list –Personal history
Immunizations Can determine if site will automatically store the ICD9 or CPT codes
POV and Problem list Can determine how many old POVs should show up to choose from Can determine if personal history is part of active problems (BH problems may be there)
Pick Lists
Types Pick Lists can be made for: –ICD9 codes –CPT codes –Education topics Each type works in similar ways
First List If you have never created a Pick List, you will get a message like the one below Reply Yes to get started. If you already have Pick Lists, you can select which one to edit or create a new one
Adding a Category If you do not fill in any of the fields, this list is available for everyone You can make lists that apply to locations, providers, clinics, and disciplines The author is always a manager; sites can add other managers such as Clinical Application Coordinators (CACs) and Health Information Management Services (HIMS) folks
Adding Elements Items can be added in several ways: –You can add them individually –You can query the system to see what is already being used –You can import a list from another site
Adding Individually
Adding through a Query
Importing a List A list can be installed from another site using the Import button Again, these codes need to be reviewed and cleaned up before using.
Rename Function The code will come in with its “official” name. Many providers would prefer a more common or shorter name
Pick Lists and Superbills Create by query Create special ones for supplies, etc.
Questions and Discussion