Gorman, Stubbs, & CEP Inc. 1 Introduction to Operating Systems Lesson 8 Linux
Lesson 8 – Linux 2 Objectives Install the Linux operating system properly. Understand the basic functionalities of the Linux operating system. Work within the GNOME desktop environment. Work in a terminal emulation program using some of the more common shell commands. Describe the Linux file system.
Lesson 8 – Linux 3 Objectives (continued) Describe the unique features that make Linux different from other operating systems. Obtain help through the Red Hat Help documentation, the man pages, or the info pages. Properly shut down the Linux operating system either through an XTerm window or through the GNOME interface.
Lesson 8 – Linux 4 Origins of Unix/Linux Thompson and Ritchie write Unix in assembly language (1969) Unix rewritten in C programming language (1974) Unix utility programs written by students at colleges and universities (continues today) Unix used to share research and data (foundation of the Internet and the WWW) Linus Torvalds orchestrated development of an operating system based on Unix, but able to operate on microprocessor platforms – Linux (1991)
Lesson 8 – Linux 5 Linux Today Linux is continually changing and improving as the result of open source code. There are more than 40 different distributions of Linux (both free via the Internet or commercially packaged distributions).
Lesson 8 – Linux 6 Installing Linux Linux can be installed on a hard drive that contains up to three other operating systems. Linux can be installed on as little as 400 MB of disk space. Complete full installation (of Red Hat Linux) takes 4.5 GB.
Lesson 8 – Linux 7 Beginning the Installation Four main ways to install Linux: 1. From network file server (NFS) 2. From a second hard drive 3. Via FTP 4. From a CD-ROM Text instructions follow the installation from a CD-ROM.
Lesson 8 – Linux 8 Graphical User Interface (GUI) X Window environment (much like other GUI environments with which you may be familiar) X allows you to select from different desktop configurations: – GNOME (GNU Network object model environment) – KDE (K development environment) – Failsafe desktop environment
Lesson 8 – Linux 9 GNOME Desktop Basics Active and inactive windows The Gnome panel Virtual consoles
Lesson 8 – Linux 10 Using the Keyboard in Linux Command completion Command history
Lesson 8 – Linux 11 File Management Linux file system history – EXT is introduced in April – EXT2 is the most successful file system so far in the Linux community. Virtual File System (VFS) Mounting/unmounting a file system The FAT table
Lesson 8 – Linux 12 Linux Shell Commands Print working directory Change directory List Make directory Remove directory Remove file/directory Move Copy Wild cards Mtools
Lesson 8 – Linux 13 Special Linux Files Devices Daemons – lpd lpr lpc lpq – Spooler – Filter – Spooler queue
Lesson 8 – Linux 14 Unique Features Modules Virtual consoles and displays CRON Processes – Process states Running Waiting Stopped Zombie Identifiers User Manual – Man pages – Info pages Grep Pico Package Management
Lesson 8 – Linux 15 Summary Understand the various ways in which a Linux distribution may be obtained. Follow the installation of Red Hat Linux 8.0. Work with Linux through the GNOME interface. Work with Linux using the keyboard and the command-line environment.
Lesson 8 – Linux 16 Summary (continued) The Linux kernel is the core of the operating system. It maintains the files and file systems. Linux, like all versions of Unix, presents its hardware devices as special files. When using Linux, always shut the machine down properly to avoid losing changes to your files or part of your operating system.