Icelandic Volcanism and Plate Tectonics (8:41) 1. Two important or interesting things from the video are _______________________. 2.One thing I am wondering is _____________________________________.
Plate Tectonics (9:22)
These images show the movement of the cold water going down to the bottom of the glass causing the warm water to move out of the way. This movement is the current being formed. Here it clearly shows the cold melt water from Antarctica flowing straight down to the bottom of the plate and then spreading out
The current here is clearly having a hard time squeezing through the tiny gap between Antartica and South America. It is not very blue because the current slows down to squeeze through. This ocean becomes colder due to the blockage of the current Australia Africa Antarctica S. America One side of S. America will have a colder climate than the other, can you tell which one is which? 54 million Years Ago EOCENE EPOCH
Ocean _____________ play a role in _______ ________. This __________ helped you understand how ocean _________ respond to _______ _________ (which is the movement of the _______’s lithospheric plates). REFLECTING ON THE ACTIVITY AND THE CHALLENGE p697