OVERVIEW Our approach to LED Action ideas/tools Country activities Case examples Lessons learned Reflection-W/shop
Perspectives, scope and focus FocusObjectives Spatial-local, regional, city- hinterland; potential; Competitiveness; economic dynamism; resilience Governance/process Locally driven development; empowerment; capacity Outcome (i) Business devt services; enabling environment Investment, (ii) business; jobs, income, municipal revenue; (iii) quality of life, equity, sustainability
LED Training Series 1) The Quick Guide 2) The Manual 3) The Toolkit 4) Actions Guide
Key LED Concepts Capital Total Economy Leakage Business enabling environment Cooperation VS competition
Ten Steps to Planning Excellence
LED Tools and Action Ideas There are 31 Action Ideas for LED Local Government Initial Actions Advanced Actions - Marketing and Knowledge Management - Entrepreneur and Small Business Support - Physical Revitalisation, Infrastructure and Land Planning - Organisational Development for LED -Finance -Investment Broad Based Actions
Relevant LED Action Ideas Policy and regulation Demo project Local procurement and buy local campaigns Skills training SMEs development Physical infra investment Cooperatives Partnerships Micro credit Support to informal economy
Activities Brazil Chile Mexico Regional Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Uganda Senegal Afghanistan India Indonesia Korea Nepal Pakistan Philippines Vietnam Romania tool development manual adaptation and translation training of trainers action planning follow up Egypt Jordan Palestine Somalia Sudan Syria Yemen
Local application: Horezu, Romania Town Center Upgrading Sustainable Tourism Strategy---moving to super local Value adding activities in agriculture LG capacity building
Regional Collaboration-Philippines Iloilo City and the nearby Guimaras province as one economic development area- agriculture, fisheries and tourism Competition and complementarities-Baracay (tourism), Negros (fisheries), Cebu (commerce and trade) Strategic areas of devt: tourism (agro and heritage, transportation and communication)
Adapting at the national level: Vietnam Adapting the LED series for local socio economic development planning (language, context, content, ) Modules for province, district and commune and for officials and technical staff Testing in 4 provinces before rolling out nationally
Lessons of Experience Good assessments and champions are essential Getting the private sector on board is a key challenge We should look for “Quick Wins” –Technical capacity and funding is the challenge here LAs can play a critical role in improving cost of doing business and building partnerships Local should be defined flexibly and in a dynamic context
Reflecting … LAs are not yet proactive on LED (knowledge on role, exposure to tools, and practices elsewhere) + structural and governance aspects Entry barriers for informal and small operators to take advantage of public investments and procurements (regulatory reform + contractual provision in big contractors + capacity building of small contractors) Opportunity for inter-municipal economic development cooperation/regional approach? Which sectors most benefit from improvement in water and sanitation sectors (this could be part of LE assessment and priority for investment promotion)
Reflecting… Entreprenuership culture and drive are equally critical as the finance and the hardware aspects (what business start up and development service providers are there, how are they performing and what can we do to strengthen them) Need building on previous efforts (CDS??) The economics of service delivery in the context of small towns (a win win business model for LAs, service operators?) Serious concern about M & E; but this needs indicators, base line and process; and only the local communities determine it