Agriculture Irrigation Hardware UES Measure Update Regional Technical Forum April 16, 2013
Agriculture Irrigation HardwareAgriculture Irrigation Hardware Measure Overview Current Category: Proven Current Status: Out-of-Compliance Current Sunset Date: April 2013 Reason for Update/Review: Follow-up to OOC plan; and sunset dateOOC plan Subcommittee Review:Yes - Ag Irrigation Subcommittee (notes)Ag Irrigation Subcommitteenotes 2
Measure Descriptions Go to the following sections in the Summary tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Measure Properties – Measure Identifiers 3
Summary of Updates Changed measure category to “Small Saver” – Professional judgment is used – Recent regional program savings estimated at 1.0 – 1.5 aMW per year. Incorporated data from recent studies: – Idaho field study (Neibling) – PacifiCorp program data ( ; ) – Most recent Farm and Ranch Survey Measure Additions/Changes – Added a new measure: Tower Gaskets. – Combined the existing Nozzle measure, Low Pressure Regulator measure, and sprinkler head measures (5) into a new “sprinkler package” measure. – Changed measure specification to require the following components to be leaking: Wheel/hand line: Impact Sprinkler, Gasket, Drain, Hub, Leveler (also malfunctioning) Pivot/Linear move: Pivot boot gasket, (Tower gasket, too) Reviewed these updates and all other inputs with subcommittee and made some edits, with consensus. 4
Remaining Issues for RTF Discussion Subcommittee members may have additional comments – We had just one subcommittee meeting, so subcommittee members wanted to reserve the right to bring up any remaining issues after they had a chance for a more thorough review (up to the day of the RTF meeting: today). 5
Measure Analysis and Inputs Details Go to the following sections in the Summary tab in the proposed measure workbook:proposed measure workbook – Constant Parameter – Energy Savings Estimation Method, Parameters and Data Sources – Measure Incremental Costs and Benefits – Measure Lifetime 6
Summary of Changes Savings – Gaskets, Drains, and Leveler increased significantly – Pipe Repair increased by 50%-100% – All other measures increased or decreased slightly. Cost – No changes (except combined Sprinkler Package costs and added Tower Gasket measure cost) Life – No changes TRC Cost-Effectiveness – Drains and Levelers are now cost-effective – The new combined Sprinkler Package measure is cost-effective – The new Tower Gasket measure is cost-effective only in the Eastern Washington and Oregon region Go to the Presentation tab in the proposed measure workbook for graphs of existing vs. proposed savings and TRC.proposed measure workbook 7
Subcommittee Proposal Approve the updates to the agriculture irrigation hardware UES measure; Change the measure category to “Small Saver”; Set the measure status to “Active”; and Change the sunset date to April
Decision “I _______ move to approve the updates to the agriculture irrigation hardware UES measure; change the measure category to “Small Saver”; set the measure status to “Active”; and change the sunset date to April 2018.” 9