Cognitive Testing of HPV Vaccine Survey Items Noel Brewer, UNC School of Public Health and the HPV Cognitive Testing Workgroup
2 Purpose Solicit feedback on study design Describe process for inviting participation in project
Motivation for Study Strong interest in topic 70+ studies of HPV vaccine acceptability and uptake Measurement issues No standardized measures Little published work on item evaluation Interest and expertise in CPCRN
Cognitive Testing Protocol for structured interview Participant answers several survey items Interviewer engages participant in conversation that explores the meaning of the items and their answers
Study Scope HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer Parents of adolescent girls interviews English (+ other languages, if sites have capacity and time allows) Race/ethnicity (Black, Hispanic, White, Asian?) Expedited IRB approval
Tasks UNC coordinating center Draft protocol Draft IRB application Telephone training of interviewers Coordinate participant incentives Draft manuscript Data collection centers (3-4 proposed) Revise and file IRB application Designate interview staff Collect data from parents of adolescents If non-English survey, translation of items Participating centers Analyze data All centers participate in study phone meetings and approve protocol
Proposed Timeline /15Decision by sites about participation 11/1Draft interview protocol 12/1File IRB applications 1/1Finalize survey instrument /15Interviewer training 5/1Complete interviews 7/1Analyze findings 9/1Manuscript submitted