ICICS2002, Singapore 1 A Group Signature Scheme Committing the Group Toru Nakanishi, Masayuki Tao, and Yuji Sugiyama Dept. of Communication Network Engineering Okayama University, Japan
ICICS2002, Singapore 2 What’s group signature ? A group signature Traceable only by TTP He/she is a group member! But, who? applied to anonymous e-cash, auction...
ICICS2002, Singapore 3 Committing the membership group Our contribution A group signature scheme with new characteristic Universal group He/she is a member in some group But, which group? … Group 1 Group T divided to multiple groups signature Group ID is traceable only by TTP
ICICS2002, Singapore 4 Outline of this presentation Definition of group signature scheme committing the group Based conventional group signature scheme Proposed scheme Security Application
ICICS2002, Singapore 5 Definition of group signature scheme committing the group Participants except signer and verifier Membership Manager(MM)…has authority to decide whether an entity may join a group Revocation Manager(RM)…has authority to trace identity and group ID from the signature Important requirements Unforgeability of signature Anonymity, and secrecy of group ID Traceability of identity and group ID by RM
ICICS2002, Singapore 6 Based group signature scheme Ateniese et al.’s scheme in Crypto2000 (ACJT scheme) Most efficient Efficient in signing/verification and even registration Provably secure Coalition resistance against an adaptive adversary (Strong adversary reflecting the reality) Why is our scheme based on this?
ICICS2002, Singapore 7 In advance, MM & RM set up keys and parameters Registration (joining a group) ACJT scheme: Overview Signature Membership certificate (Sig. for PK) MM Proof( ) Enc RM ( ) PK SK Unforgeable Traceable by RM ID, Anonymous (Zero-knowledge)
ICICS2002, Singapore 8 ACJT scheme: Setup MM and RM set up the following: n=pq: RSA modulus (only MM knows p and q) a, b, g, h: public elements in QR n (Set of quadratic residues in Z n *) y=g x : public key (only RM knows x)
ICICS2002, Singapore 9 ACJT scheme: Registration Membership certificate: (A, e) s.t. A = (a x b) 1/e (mod n) MM PK: a x SK: x ID, This is an RSA signature that MM only generates
ICICS2002, Singapore 10 ACJT scheme: Signature Signature for messege m consists of T = Enc RM (A) : ElGamal ciphertext w.r.t. y S = SPK[(x, A, e) s.t. T= Enc RM (A) ∧ A = (a x b) 1/e ](m) Enc RM ( ) Proof( ) SPK: Signature converted from zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (Only one with knowledge can make SPK without revealing information on knowledge)
ICICS2002, Singapore 11 Our scheme: Basic idea Registration (joining a group) Signature Membership certificate (Sig. for PK and Group ID) MM Proof( ) Enc RM ( ) PK SK ID, (Zero-knowledge) Enc RM (Group ID)
ICICS2002, Singapore 12 Our scheme: Setup and Registration Setup Another c ∈ QR n Group IDs E 1,…E T Registration for group ID E t Membership certificate: (A, e) s.t. A = (a x bc Et ) 1/e (mod n) MM PK: a x SK: x ID, (This form is also provably unforgeable…explained later)
ICICS2002, Singapore 13 Our scheme: Signature and revocation Signature for messege m consists of T = Enc RM (A) T’= Enc RM (h E t ) S = SPK[(x, A, e, E t ) s.t. T= Enc RM (A) ∧ T’=Enc RM (h Et ) ∧ A = (a x bc Et ) 1/e ](m) Group ID can be identified by RM’s decrypting T’ For using E t in exponent, we can construct efficient SPK using known SPKs for secret exponent
ICICS2002, Singapore 14 Security : Coalition resisitance Certificate (A,e) is unforgeable even if valid members collude. Formally, this means the unforgeability against adaptive adversary After obtaining valid certificates from MM a constant times, this adversary forges a new certificate For RSA modulus n and z ∈ QR n, it is infeasible to compute (u,e>1) s.t. u e = z This paper provides the security proof under strong RSA assumption
ICICS2002, Singapore 15 Security: Others Unforgeability of group signature ← Unforgeability of cert. and SPK proving cert. Anonymity, and secrecy of group ID ←zero-knowledge-ness of SPK and encryption
ICICS2002, Singapore 16 Application: Anonymous survey Anonymous survey to generate statistics on users’ attributes Background This system generates statistics on attributes secretly Commercial service provider User(Customer) Man or Woman ? Young or Old? Anonymously Marketing
ICICS2002, Singapore 17 Problem on previous survey system Previous survey system [Nakanishi&Sugiyama, ACISP01] Vast computation depending on number of all registering users So, inefficient Commercial service providerUser(Customer) Group Signature TTP Group Signature Group Signature Group Signature Female 90% 10% Male Statistics Secure comp.
ICICS2002, Singapore 18 Efficient system using proposed scheme(1/2) Setup Group ID E 1,..,E T are assigned to attribute values (e.g., E 1 : Female, E 2 :Male) Registration (e.g., E 1 :Female) Membership certificate (Sig. for PK and E 1 ) MM PK SK ID,
ICICS2002, Singapore 19 Efficient system using proposed scheme(2/2) Commercial service providerUser(Customer) Group Signature including Enc RM (E 1 ) Enc RM (E 2 ) … TTP E 2, E 2 …E 1 ( shuffled) Female 90% 10% Male Known efficient shuffle protocol The cost is independent from number of registering users So, more efficient
ICICS2002, Singapore 20 Conclusion Group signature scheme committing the group is proposed Efficient and provably secure Useful for applications (e.g., Anonymous survey) Further works Application to e-cash Improving anonymous survey