Employment Challenge to College Students 05(5). Questions: 1. What change has taken place with regard to graduate employment situation? (para1) Today’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Employment Challenge to College Students 05(5)

Questions: 1. What change has taken place with regard to graduate employment situation? (para1) Today’s university graduates usually have great pressure in finding fairly good jobs. They feel a chill in the employment market. 2. Is the job market tight? Why? (para3) Yes. The expansion in college enrollment is the cause of the tight job market.

Teaching aims: 1.Review the first five paragraphs. 2.Some key words and expressions of this para. 3.Some language points of para6. 4.Finish some related exercises.

Key words and expressions: developing 发展中的 developed 发达的 underdeveloped 不发达的 develop concentration concentrate institution discriminative attitude

True or false questions: ( )1.The concentration of job locations is a factor causing difficulties. ( )2.College graduates like to work in Nanjing. ( )3.Most of graduates are interested in small enterprises. ( )4.Large enterprises can provide graduates with high salary.

The concentrate of job locations is another factor causing difficulties. College graduates tend to concentrate their job searches on economically developed cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and southeastern coastal areas, and favor government institutions, foreign- funded companies and large enterprises. Few of them are interested in economically undeveloped regions, small towns or rural areas, and many have a discriminative attitude towards small and medium-sized enterprises. Apart from the pay factor, they base their choices on the fact that large enterprises can provide them with stable benefits and employment security.

True or false questions: ( )1.The concentration of job locations is a factor causing difficulties. ( )2.College graduates like to work in Nanjing. ( )3.Most of graduates are interested in small enterprises. ( )4.Large enterprises can provide graduates with high salary. T T F T

The concentrate of job locations is another factor causing difficulties. 此句中 causing 是现在分词作后置定 语, 相当于一个定语从句 (=which causes difficulties).

College graduates tend to concentrate their job searches in economically developed cities …tend to 大学毕业生大都倾向于在经济发达地区找工作 … tend to be likely to behave in a certain way 倾向, 趋于 e.g. Women tend to live longer than men. 女人多比男人长寿.

concentrate: focus exclusively and intensively on sth 全神贯注 e.g. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神学习。 I can ’ t concentrate on my study with the noise going on.

economically developed cities southeastern coastal areas favor government institutions foreign-funded companies large enterprises Graduates tend to

economically underdeveloped regions small towns rural areas small and medium-sized enterprises Few of them are interested in

Apart from the pay factor,they base their choices on the fact that large enterprises can provide them with more stable benefits and employment security. apart from: in addition to 除了某物之 外 … 也,还 Apart from his nose, he ’ s quite good – looking. 他除了鼻子以外, 哪儿都很好看.

base sth on sthbase sth on sth: find a basis for ; establish 以某事物为另一事物的依据、证据 I based my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 provide sb with sth provide sth for sb

pay factor more stable benefits employment security Graduates base their choices on

Consolidations translations (base sth on sth)base sth on sth 1. 她根据报告做出了她的结论。 She based her conclusions on the report. 2. 他刚完成了一部以畅销小说为题材的影片。 He has just made a film based on a best-selling novel. 3. 这部电影是根据 D.H. 劳伦斯的小说改编的。 This film is based on a novel by D.H. Lawrence.

Women are hopeful to live longer than men. 1.It has a tendency to rain a lot here in summer. tend tends 2.I am inclined to go to bed early during the winter. tend

Assignment 1.Try to translate this passage and write it down. 2.Preview the other passages.

Thank you