Minimally Invasive Delivery System for Bone Graft Materials Lauren Burdock (BME) Jon Witten (BME) Frank Zhao (BME)
The physiology of bone Severe loading effects cause fractures Exploit the natural repair process Design Project: minimally invasive bone graft delivery device
Bone composition and natural repair Osteoblasts and osteoclasts mobilized Reparative phase of healing What is non- union?
Non-union and operative repair Non-union occurs when fragments fail to unite Introduce bone grafting material into fracture site Autograft Allograft Xenograft Synthetic compounds
Market Potential 6 million fractures per year in the US 1.5 million involves long bones Cost to society: 21 BILLION dollars 5-10% of fractures exhibit delayed healing and/or non- union Broken Tibia set with fixation device using bone screws
Design Concept External fixation device holds bone sections together to allow proper healing and alignment
Design Concept Hollow needle design Diameter of lumen is determined by viscosity of bone graft material Potentially attached to the external fixation device Pin will be inserted into this area to fill the gap with bone graft materials.
Work Accomplished Finalized NCIIA proposal for submission Website has been improved to enhance user friendliness Extensive preliminary research underway We have established contact with our advisor (Dr. King), our mentor (Dr. Shastri), and our sponsor (Dr. Voor) Jon met with Dr. Voor to discuss potential designs
Budget Travel expenses: $400 Manufacturing labor time/materials $500 Testing materials: $300 Miscellaneous: $300 Total: $1500
Future Progress Learn AutoCAD so we can experiment with design Meet to discuss preliminary design ideas before moving into the design process Construct a full set of schematics before December break for prototype production Initiate contact with the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Vanderbilt University to discuss modern bone grafting techniques and surgical instruments involved Review resources