Christmas Margaret Allen
What is Christmas? eChristian Holiday eBirth of Jesus Christ eCelebrated Annually on December 25
The Term Christmas eOriginated as a compound meaning “Christ’s Mass” eGreek- X is first letter of Christ dXmas
Who celebrates Christmas? eChristians eNon-Christians
Commercialization of Christmas eEconomic Boom eExchange of Gifts eSome feel not “Christian”
Christmas Customs eGift-giving eGreeting Cards eAttending Church
Decorations eChristmas Tree eLights eMistletoe eNativity Scenes
Father Christmas eAlso known as Santa Claus eMythological figure eBrings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve
Father Christmas cont’d eEarliest personification of Christmas 17th Century ePresent-day Santa from Victorian Era
“Merry Christmas to All and to all a Goodnight”