Cai Guo-Qiang Noor salem Reem AbdulMajid 7E Art
Who is Cai Guo-Qiang? Cai Guo-Qiang is a famous Chinese artist who is known to work with gunpowder, and fireworks. He was born in Quanzhou in 1957.
Cai Guo-Qiang’s Art
How is his Art Unique? His artwork shows that he has it a very creative style. His art style is not really often used by other artists, that makes it creative and different. His artwork looks like old, burnt paper which makes it creative and artistic in his own way.
What do we think of his work? We both really love the idea of gunpowder, it makes the artwork look cooler in our opinions. We also love how its not too many colors like most artists would have done their work, its just about 4-5 similar colors.
The Exhibition Saraab (meaning ‘Miraj’) is the name of the exhibition. Saraab is continuing the Mathaf’s duty to present an Arab perspective on modern art, and also the Islamic history of Quanzhou.
We like this because… We chose this picture: because we like the different shades of the colors and we like the shape and idea of making this piece of art look like fireworks. We also like it because it isnt empty on the sides/ it has colors and dots coming out of the sides, and because we like how the fireworks look burnt and the whole painting itself looks old.
Sources Guo-Qiang.jpg QupBGRqFxU/TcaAiLp0lUI/AAAAAAAAAPU/Y0hwxfnN4QA/s1600/Cai %2BGuo- Qiang%2BBlack%2BFireworks%2B%2528Project%2Bfor%2BIVAM%252C%2 529%2BGunpowder%2Bon%2Bpaper%252C%2Bbacked%2Bon%2Bwood%2 Bpanel%2B2005.jpg AS175_ADVISE_G_ jpg