52°North WPS
52°North WPS Agenda Motivation WPS basics behind the scences look new features current research
52°North WPS 52°North WPS implemented for generalization processing (start 2006) new standard new features new 52°North release
52°North WPS What is a WPS? Geospatial data available (e.g. WFS, WCS) Network capacity and computational power available
52°North WPS WPS What is a WPS? Web Based Processing DataInformation WPS
52°North WPS WPS WPS WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
52°North WPS WPS WPS WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n GetCapabilities
52°North WPS WPS WPS WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n GetCapabilities DescribeProcess
52°North WPS WPS WPS WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n GetCapabilities DescribeProcess Execute
52°North WPS WPS Example WPS ???
52°North WPS WPS Discovery GetCapabilities
52°North WPS WPS Example WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n
52°North WPS WPS Discovery DescribeProcess
52°North WPS WPS Example WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n5
52°North WPS WPS Execution XML Execute Request
52°North WPS WPS Example WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n5
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Features Overview Features Full java-based Open Source implementation Pluggable framework for algorithms and XML data handling Build up on robust OS libraries (JTS, geotools, xmlBeans, servlet API, derby) Supports full logging of service activity Supports exception handling according to the spec Storing of execution results Full GML2 support for ComplexValues (i.e. FeatureCollections) Support of raster processing (beta)
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Features Overview New features SOAP/WSDL support Repository Concept Plug&Play parsers Synchronous processing Asynchronus processing Easy Maven deployment Current Research
52°North WPS Binding WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
52°North WPS Binding WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n HTTP-GET
52°North WPS Binding WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n HTTP-GET HTTP-POST
52°North WPS Binding WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n HTTP-GET HTTP-POST SOAP OGC OWS-5 Testbed tries to develop general guidlines/recommendations
52°North WPS Repository Concept Discovery
52°North WPS Repository Concept Discovery Request=GetCapabilities&Service=WPS
52°North WPS Repository Concept Discovery
52°North WPS Repository Concept WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n WPS-Core Repository Manager
52°North WPS Repository Concept WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n WPS-Core Repository Manager GRASS
52°North WPS Repository Concept WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n WPS-Core Repository Manager BPEL
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Synchronous Asynchronous
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Synchronous Asynchronous Wrapped XML payload Raw data payload
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Synchronous Object1Object2
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Asynchronous Object1Object2 Push-model
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Asynchronous Object1Object2 Pull-model 50% reference result
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Asynchronous
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Asynchronous
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Wrapped XML
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Wrapped XML
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Wrapped XML Response
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Raw Data
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Raw Data
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Execution Raw Data Response
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Deployment
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Deployment Maven
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Deployment Maven fast easy modularized
52°North WPS 52°North WPS Anatomy Deployment Maven WPS-ServerWPS-IO WPS- Webapp
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research processing service-based data (WFS) through WPS
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client Udig workflow modelling plugin
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client Udig workflow modelling plugin WPS-T
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research WPS-T -deployProcess -undeployProcess uDig
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client Udig workflow modelling plugin WPS-T WPS GRASS support
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52°North Geoprocessing Research WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n GRASS Process 1 Meta Data
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client Udig workflow modelling plugin WPS-T WPS GRASS support WPS and GRID technologies
52°North WPS 52°North Research Current 52North Geoprocessing Research Udig WPS Client Udig workflow modelling plugin WPS-T WPS GRASS support WPS and GRID technologies WPS and WebGen (Uni ZH)
52°North WPS Thank You Questions?