Where Do We Go With SOAP?
Web Services Client Server SOAP Client SOAP Service HTTP over TCP/IP XML UDDI Mainframe Workstation Server SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol XMLExtensible Markup Language HTMLHypertext Markup Language HTTPHypertext Transmission Protocol UDDIUniversal Description, Discovery and Integration WSDLWeb Services Description Language Some Acronyms
Web page Picture VSAM data MP3 song IXFSOAPXMLHTMLMIME HTTPPOP3MQSeriesTCP/IPLU6.2Netbios Letter Phone bill AdvertisementMagazine Video tape ContentEnvelopeBox Plastic wrap CratePackagingUSPS FedEx Drop Special courier UPS pickup ProtocolTruckTrainAirplane Man on foot BicycleTransport Where Does SOAP Fit In?
Possibilities SOAP support in ViaSQLSOAP support in ViaSQL Web services toolkitWeb services toolkit Basic web servicesBasic web services Extended web servicesExtended web services ODBC/JDBC SOAP driverODBC/JDBC SOAP driver SOAP client for Blue DirectSOAP client for Blue Direct SOAP client on mainframe LINUXSOAP client on mainframe LINUX
Soap Support in ViaSQL Standard ViaSQL ServicesStandard ViaSQL Services –SQL access to mainframe data –Execute Remote Stored Procedures Supported SOAP clientsSupported SOAP clients –Microsoft –IBM –Sun –Compuflex –Viaserv
Web Services Toolkit SOAP service generatorSOAP service generator UDDI maintenanceUDDI maintenance IXF transformationIXF transformation SOAP client generatorSOAP client generator Development environmentDevelopment environment Provide Java classesProvide Java classes
Basic Web Services Standard ViaSQL servicesStandard ViaSQL services Execute existing 3270 transactionsExecute existing 3270 transactions Display system management dataDisplay system management data Control system resourcesControl system resources POWER & JES queue managementPOWER & JES queue management System console accessSystem console access VSAM file/catalog managementVSAM file/catalog management DB2 managementDB2 management
Extended Web Services Duplicate mainframe versions of popular web servicesDuplicate mainframe versions of popular web services
ODBC/JDBC SOAP Driver Support traditional ODBC & JDBC clients ODBC/JDBCDriver SOAP Service Service
SOAP Client for Blue Direct CSA API?CSA API? Additional API?Additional API?
Develop Other Partnerships SOAP client vendorsSOAP client vendors Web Services providersWeb Services providers System management tool vendorsSystem management tool vendors Connectivity Systems Inc.Connectivity Systems Inc. Legacy Data AccessLegacy Data Access