The Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, and Night
Timeline 1933 – Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany Hitler given “emergency powers” st concentration camps opened. Throughout 1933 Jews begin to be stripped of their rights: owning land, health insurance, etc. Hitler orders sterilization of people with genetic defects.
Adoph Hitler
1935 – Nuremburg race laws passed against Jews. Nazis force abortions on women who might pass on hereditary diseases. Jews can no longer serve in the military – Olympics begin in Berlin – Hitler sought to use Olympics to support his theories of racial superiority.
American Jesse Owens at Berlin Olympics
1937 – Jews are banned from many professions including dentistry – Nazis enter Austria Jews cannot “front” their own business, ordered to register wealth and property. Krystallnacht – Night of the Broken Glass Herman Goring – placed in charge of handling the “Jewish Question”
Prisoners at Auschwitz
1939 – Nazis invade Czechoslovakia and Poland Jews are placed in “ghettos” near railway stations awaiting “final solution.” Nazis begin euthanasia on the sick and old Nazis force Jews to wear yellow star.
Map of Concentration Camps
Dr. Josef Mengele – The Angel of Death
Major concentration camps – Auschwitz, Buchenwald, etc. – become operational U.S. enters the war – Dec. 7, 1941 Mass killings of Jews begin in 1942 using Zyklon B gas. June 6, 1944 – D-Day – Allied Victory Allied forces begin closing in on Germany in late 1944 and begin liberating camps in Jan. of 1945
The Battle of the Bulge ( )
Mengele’s Infamous Twin Studies Now 84, these women survived.
Zyklon B Cannisters
April 30, Hitler commits suicide. An estimated 6 million Jews were executed in concentration camps.
Liberated Jews
Americans Liberating Concentration Camps
Americans Liberating Concentraiton Camps
The Yellow Star
Holocaust Shoe Exhibit
Gold Fillings Taken from Jews
Elie Wiesel Born in Romania Sent to Concentration Camp Wrote Night about his experiences there.
Elie Wiesel