B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Logistics for DYPB activities Bruno PUCCIO (TE/MPE)
2 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Introduction The “DYPB Logistics” activity is mainly composed of: Cables disconnection & securing Moving out equipment from tunnel Storage at Meyrin site (ISR-I2 area) Modification and Tests (building 281) Moving back to tunnel Reconnection & Tests Why during LS1? For the “Technical” decisions: [see 2 previous talks] Concerning the “Logistics” part, let’s go back also to initial question: Do we have to leave or to remove DYPB racks during SMACC activities? PROS & CONS of each solution have been evaluated. After a (long) internal debate, it has been decided to move them out...
3 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov DYPB activity is evidently depending to the general LS1 schedule Scheduling LS1 Global Schedule v1.5 Sector 1-2 example DYPB dismounting DYPB reconnection
4 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Before DYPB racks removal Disconnection and securing of cables Removal of chassis, interconnection cables and patches from DYPB racks. RP control at the surface: If OK: Transport (to 281), dismounting and recuperation of components from removed chassis, interconnection cables and patches. If NOT OK: Transport to dedicated area(s) (867?) and perform the same tasks as above. Quick and partial RP inspection of all DYPB racks => special labeling if above threshold Allocated time: 1 week per sector Schedule v1.5 On-going discussions with RP…
5 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Moving out from tunnel Due to expected rate, transport of single DYPB rack won’t be used 3 DYPB racks will be pilled up on a pallet Allocated time: 2 weeks per sector Schedule v1.5 Courtesy Serge Pelletier (EN/HE)
6 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Transport from LHC to Storage area(s)* Pt4 Pt6 Pt8 Pt1 Pt2 4 x 52 palettes 3 x 52 palettes 2 x 52 palettes 3 x 52 palettes 4 x 52 palettes rate: 2 x 12 racks per day If RP check NOT OK => Transport to a dedicated area (867?)
7 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Location of ISR-I2 area Building 30 Building 281 Building 181 “ ISR-I2 area ” ≈ 400 m 2
8 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Storage in ISR-I2 … racks (i.e. 416 palettes) stored on metal shelving (5 layers)
9 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Daily rotation between ISR-I2 and 281 Building 281 ( building 181) ISR-I2 area foreseen rate to modification & tests: 9 racks per day (i.e. 3 pallets/day)
10 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Resources Manpower (Technical part): [c.f. 2 previous talks] EE & EP section External collaborators (AGH contract) + FSU Manpower (Logistics): : EN/HE & Bruno Missing resources? No (for the logistics part) Support from other MPE section(s) No (except EP & EP mentioned earlier) Contributions from other groups: DGS-RP EN/HE for transport
11 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart Remove Crawford boxes, interconnect cables & DQLPUs Move DYPB racks to buffer zones Transport to 281 Transport to ISR-I2 EE preparation work & tests EP preparation work & tests Transport to 281 Final test Transport & Storage in ISR-I2 Conditioning & Packaging DQLPUs in 281Craw. Boxes in 281 Racks in ISR-I2 Re-install DYPB racks in tunnel Reconnection & Tests Disconnect and secure cables Racks in 281 Condemnation of switch breakers, RP control Transport to dedicated area(s) RP checks
12 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Scheduled dates for sectors 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 & 8/1
13 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Scheduled dates Q2/13 17/05 29/04 17/04 07/05 29/04 Q3/13 12/06 31/0529/05 Q4/13 Q1/14 10/02 17/03 06/01 06/02 Q2/14 07/04 30/04 14/04 30/05 Time interval (weeks* ) for DYPB racks removal for racks re-installation ( Planning Rev1-5) *: - 2 weeks for Xmas break
14 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Unknowns When all material ready will be available at 281? When testers will be ready? 9 racks per day: is it realistic?
15 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov SW tools What SW tools are planned to be used? Are they ready to be used? Who will provide them? Is there any benefit to further automate the process of your tasks (testing, commissioning)? What would be the effort implied? What is the long term strategy with regard to maintainability of testing equipment and related software? Not applicable (for the logistics part)
16 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Issues & showstoppers Potential showstoppers? Unexpected number regarding the quantity of irradiated racks. Potential issues? Readiness of new DYPB element(s) [c.f. 2 previous talks] 9 racks per day: correct rate? (if delay) Are we able to increase it? Like 12/day? Warning: On today, our request for extension cables (or new cables) has been NOT agreed by both EN/EL & LS1 project leader. EN/EL is still open to find a compromise we must provide more precise number & propose solution for partial re-routing we must go in tunnel during TS#4 and perform an evaluation in “x” sector(s).
17 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov. 2012
18 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Spare slides
19 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov DYPB Upgrading (EP part) 3 With support of EM section, 1250 units will be produced Exchange of 1232 Local Protection Units for Dipole Magnets to integrate the enhanced quench heater supervision and adapt to redundant UPS powering. (front view) DQLPU Type ‘A’ (rear view) Current version With support of EM section, 1300 motherboards will be produced The new DQLPU crate will be assembled in 281 by Ext. Collaborators (AGH contract) (estimation 1hour per crate => 1232 man/h in total)
20 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Preliminary flowchart concerning the upgrade of crates type DQLPU A. All activities will be performed in building 281. (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (1/4)
21 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (2/4)
22 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (3/4)
23 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (4/4)
24 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Improvement and Extension Plan for the 4928 Quench Heater P.S. Introduction of a discharge current measurement for each Quench Heater Power Supply through insertion of a new Transducer module (DQLIM) [in replacement of the "Crawford box” ] QRL side Way side Courtesy: Joaquim x DQLIM units will be assembled at Cern. New redundant power supply (DQLPUR) Required for new DQLPU crate 2600 DQPUR units will be produced DYPB Upgrading (EE part)
25 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Installation & connection of the electrical systems of DYPB upgrade The new Interface Module will be installed from the top (ballonet system without screws) => access required from above for each individual rack at the moment of installation. All intra-rack cables are already attached to the Interface Module prior to insertion in the yellow rack. The new Interface Module are assembled elsewhere at CERN (support of Betty / FSU contract) Manufacturing of internal cables: WP given also to FSU ·Testing of upcoming Transformers: included in existing AGH contact => update of WP of existing collaboration Estimated installation / connection time: 10 minutes per rack. -Testing must obviously be performed when the upgraded systems of both EP and EE sections are installed, connected and powered. However, the EE systems are already, to a large extend, tested prior to their installation in the yellow rack. Courtesy: Knud
26 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (1/3) (courtesy: Knud)
27 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (2/3) (courtesy: Knud) In B281: Assembling of the new DQLIM Interface Module. Completing by installation of two DQLPR Power Modules and four DQLCT pulse transformers. Manufacture of new sets of cables. In B281: Individual system testing of the assembled new Modules prior to installation. Participation in the development of a global test facility for EP and EE equipment of the nDYPB system.
28 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (2/3) (courtesy: Knud) In B281: Assembling of the new DQLIM Interface Module. Completing by installation of two DQLPR Power Modules and four DQLCT pulse transformers. Manufacture of new sets of cables. In B281: Individual system testing of the assembled new Modules prior to installation. Participation in the development of a global test facility for EP and EE equipment of the nDYPB system.
29 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (3/3) (courtesy: Knud)
30 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Courtesy M. Bernardini DYP B Time slots scheduled for DYPB racks transport