B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov. 2012 Logistics for DYPB activities Bruno PUCCIO (TE/MPE)


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Presentation transcript:

B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Logistics for DYPB activities Bruno PUCCIO (TE/MPE)

2 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Introduction  The “DYPB Logistics” activity is mainly composed of: Cables disconnection & securing Moving out equipment from tunnel Storage at Meyrin site (ISR-I2 area) Modification and Tests (building 281) Moving back to tunnel Reconnection & Tests  Why during LS1? For the “Technical” decisions: [see 2 previous talks] Concerning the “Logistics” part, let’s go back also to initial question: Do we have to leave or to remove DYPB racks during SMACC activities? PROS & CONS of each solution have been evaluated. After a (long) internal debate, it has been decided to move them out...

3 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov  DYPB activity is evidently depending to the general LS1 schedule Scheduling LS1 Global Schedule v1.5 Sector 1-2 example DYPB dismounting DYPB reconnection

4 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Before DYPB racks removal  Disconnection and securing of cables  Removal of chassis, interconnection cables and patches from DYPB racks.  RP control at the surface:  If OK: Transport (to 281), dismounting and recuperation of components from removed chassis, interconnection cables and patches.  If NOT OK: Transport to dedicated area(s) (867?) and perform the same tasks as above.  Quick and partial RP inspection of all DYPB racks => special labeling if above threshold Allocated time: 1 week per sector Schedule v1.5 On-going discussions with RP…

5 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Moving out from tunnel Due to expected rate, transport of single DYPB rack won’t be used 3 DYPB racks will be pilled up on a pallet Allocated time: 2 weeks per sector Schedule v1.5 Courtesy Serge Pelletier (EN/HE)

6 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Transport from LHC to Storage area(s)* Pt4 Pt6 Pt8 Pt1 Pt2 4 x 52 palettes 3 x 52 palettes 2 x 52 palettes 3 x 52 palettes 4 x 52 palettes rate: 2 x 12 racks per day If RP check NOT OK => Transport to a dedicated area (867?)

7 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Location of ISR-I2 area Building 30 Building 281 Building 181 “ ISR-I2 area ” ≈ 400 m 2

8 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov ) Storage in ISR-I2  … racks (i.e. 416 palettes) stored on metal shelving (5 layers)

9 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Daily rotation between ISR-I2 and 281 Building 281 ( building 181) ISR-I2 area foreseen rate to modification & tests: 9 racks per day (i.e. 3 pallets/day)

10 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Resources  Manpower (Technical part): [c.f. 2 previous talks]  EE & EP section  External collaborators (AGH contract) + FSU  Manpower (Logistics): :  EN/HE & Bruno  Missing resources?  No (for the logistics part)  Support from other MPE section(s)  No (except EP & EP mentioned earlier)  Contributions from other groups:  DGS-RP  EN/HE for transport

11 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart Remove Crawford boxes, interconnect cables & DQLPUs Move DYPB racks to buffer zones Transport to 281 Transport to ISR-I2 EE preparation work & tests EP preparation work & tests Transport to 281 Final test Transport & Storage in ISR-I2 Conditioning & Packaging DQLPUs in 281Craw. Boxes in 281 Racks in ISR-I2 Re-install DYPB racks in tunnel Reconnection & Tests Disconnect and secure cables Racks in 281 Condemnation of switch breakers, RP control Transport to dedicated area(s) RP checks

12 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Scheduled dates for sectors 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 & 8/1

13 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Scheduled dates Q2/13 17/05 29/04 17/04 07/05 29/04 Q3/13 12/06 31/0529/05 Q4/13 Q1/14 10/02 17/03 06/01 06/02 Q2/14 07/04 30/04 14/04 30/05 Time interval (weeks* ) for DYPB racks removal for racks re-installation ( Planning Rev1-5) *: - 2 weeks for Xmas break

14 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Unknowns When all material ready will be available at 281? When testers will be ready? 9 racks per day: is it realistic?

15 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov SW tools  What SW tools are planned to be used?  Are they ready to be used? Who will provide them?  Is there any benefit to further automate the process of your tasks (testing, commissioning)?  What would be the effort implied?  What is the long term strategy with regard to maintainability of testing equipment and related software? Not applicable (for the logistics part)

16 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Issues & showstoppers Potential showstoppers?  Unexpected number regarding the quantity of irradiated racks. Potential issues?  Readiness of new DYPB element(s) [c.f. 2 previous talks]  9 racks per day: correct rate? (if delay) Are we able to increase it? Like 12/day? Warning:  On today, our request for extension cables (or new cables) has been NOT agreed by both EN/EL & LS1 project leader.  EN/EL is still open to find a compromise  we must provide more precise number & propose solution for partial re-routing  we must go in tunnel during TS#4 and perform an evaluation in “x” sector(s).

17 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov. 2012

18 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Spare slides

19 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov DYPB Upgrading (EP part) 3 With support of EM section, 1250 units will be produced  Exchange of 1232 Local Protection Units for Dipole Magnets to integrate the enhanced quench heater supervision and adapt to redundant UPS powering. (front view) DQLPU Type ‘A’ (rear view)  Current version With support of EM section, 1300 motherboards will be produced The new DQLPU crate will be assembled in 281 by Ext. Collaborators (AGH contract) (estimation 1hour per crate => 1232 man/h in total)

20 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Preliminary flowchart concerning the upgrade of crates type DQLPU A. All activities will be performed in building 281. (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (1/4)

21 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (2/4)

22 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (3/4)

23 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov (courtesy: Reiner) Flowcharts for the EP part (4/4)

24 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov  Improvement and Extension Plan for the 4928 Quench Heater P.S. Introduction of a discharge current measurement for each Quench Heater Power Supply through insertion of a new Transducer module (DQLIM) [in replacement of the "Crawford box” ] QRL side Way side Courtesy: Joaquim x DQLIM units will be assembled at Cern.  New redundant power supply (DQLPUR) Required for new DQLPU crate 2600 DQPUR units will be produced DYPB Upgrading (EE part)

25 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Installation & connection of the electrical systems of DYPB upgrade The new Interface Module will be installed from the top (ballonet system without screws) => access required from above for each individual rack at the moment of installation. All intra-rack cables are already attached to the Interface Module prior to insertion in the yellow rack. The new Interface Module are assembled elsewhere at CERN (support of Betty / FSU contract) Manufacturing of internal cables: WP given also to FSU ·Testing of upcoming Transformers: included in existing AGH contact => update of WP of existing collaboration Estimated installation / connection time: 10 minutes per rack. -Testing must obviously be performed when the upgraded systems of both EP and EE sections are installed, connected and powered. However, the EE systems are already, to a large extend, tested prior to their installation in the yellow rack. Courtesy: Knud

26 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (1/3) (courtesy: Knud)

27 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (2/3) (courtesy: Knud) In B281: Assembling of the new DQLIM Interface Module. Completing by installation of two DQLPR Power Modules and four DQLCT pulse transformers. Manufacture of new sets of cables. In B281: Individual system testing of the assembled new Modules prior to installation. Participation in the development of a global test facility for EP and EE equipment of the nDYPB system.

28 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (2/3) (courtesy: Knud) In B281: Assembling of the new DQLIM Interface Module. Completing by installation of two DQLPR Power Modules and four DQLCT pulse transformers. Manufacture of new sets of cables. In B281: Individual system testing of the assembled new Modules prior to installation. Participation in the development of a global test facility for EP and EE equipment of the nDYPB system.

29 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Flowchart for the EE part (3/3) (courtesy: Knud)

30 B.Puccio MPE Workshop for LS1 / 22 & 23 Nov Courtesy M. Bernardini DYP B Time slots scheduled for DYPB racks transport