Pneumonias Pneumonia is an inflamatory reaction in the lung, in which the alveolar air is replaced by inflammatory exudate.
Pneumonias Primary :- inflamation arising in a normal lung. secondary:- caused by other diseases
Pneumonias Caustive organisms:- Bacterial (like T.B, staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal, Klebsiella…etc) Viral, most common in children. Fungal.
The aim of chest radiograph To establish whether or not pneumonia is present. Diagnosing the infective agent is not possible Pneumonias
Pneumonias Radiological types:- Lobar pneumonia:- Caused by streptococcus Is a form of pneumonia that affects a large and continuous area of the lobe of a lung. Bronchopneumonia :- The most common cause is staph. Aureus, anaerobic and Mycoplasma pneumonia Acute inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles.
Radiological Appeareance Consolodiation with air bronchogram varies from small ill-defined shadow to a large shadow May involving the whole of one or more lobes (lobar pneumonia). Multiple patches of consolidation (bonchopneumonia ) The consolidation may be Associated with loss of volume of the affected lobe, common in children.
Radiological Appeareance Cavitation may occur within the consolidation area. Consolodiation may persist often after the patient’s symptoms have improved.
Pneumonia RML pneumonia air bronchograms, and silhouetting of the right heart border
Pneumonia RUL pneumonia
Pneumonia Silhouette of left heart margin Air bronchogram in PA view
Lobar Pneumonia Right Middle Lobe Vague density right lower lung zone Indistinct right cardiac silhouette Intact diaphragmatic silhouette
Consolidation Right Upper Lobe
Pneumonia Density in left lower lung field Loss of left heart silhouette Diaphragmatic silhouette intact No shift of mediastinum Blunting of costophrenic angle
Pneumonia Density in left lower lung field Left heart silhouette intact Loss of diaphragmatic silhouette No shift of mediastinum
Pneumonia Density in right middle lung field Loss of right cardiac silhouette Air bronchogram not visible
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