Men’s and Women’s Volleyball 2011
Number of Players Teams are composed of 6 players – 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row. Teams can play with 5 players as long as they arrive within the 5 minute grace period to check in.Teams are composed of 6 players – 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row. Teams can play with 5 players as long as they arrive within the 5 minute grace period to check in.
Scoring Rally scoring is the system we use to keep score.Rally scoring is the system we use to keep score. Score will be kept by the teams! An extra player or someone watching the game will need to keep score on the scoreboard.Score will be kept by the teams! An extra player or someone watching the game will need to keep score on the scoreboard.
Scoring Best two out of three matches will be played.Best two out of three matches will be played. A game is won when either team scores 25 points and they need to win by two.A game is won when either team scores 25 points and they need to win by two. (26-24 not 25-24). If a game is tied at one match a piece a third match is played to break the tie. This match is played to 15 points, you must win by two points. (26-24 not 25-24). If a game is tied at one match a piece a third match is played to break the tie. This match is played to 15 points, you must win by two points.
Rally Scoring A point will be awarded on each service.A point will be awarded on each service. - When a fault is committed by the receiving team, a point is awarded to the serving team. - When a fault is committed by the serving team, the opponents are awarded a point and the ball for service. - It is not necessary for the winning team to be serving at the time the winning point is scored.
Time Each game can last a maximum of 40 minutes. If a game gets to the third match, the team who is ahead when the time ends will be the winner. If it is tied at the 40 minute mark one more point will be played to determine the winner.Each game can last a maximum of 40 minutes. If a game gets to the third match, the team who is ahead when the time ends will be the winner. If it is tied at the 40 minute mark one more point will be played to determine the winner.
Serving No restrictions on how you serve. A ball hitting the net and going over on the serve is considered in play. If the ball does not go over the net, the receiving team is awarded a point and serve.No restrictions on how you serve. A ball hitting the net and going over on the serve is considered in play. If the ball does not go over the net, the receiving team is awarded a point and serve. The service can be done underhand or overhand.The service can be done underhand or overhand. Both feet must be behind the line on the serve.Both feet must be behind the line on the serve.
Fouls Stepping over the center line.Stepping over the center line. Touching the net while the ball is in play.Touching the net while the ball is in play. Lifting, holding, throwing, catching the ball.Lifting, holding, throwing, catching the ball. Breaking the plane of the net (includes reaching over the net to play the ball).Breaking the plane of the net (includes reaching over the net to play the ball). One person hitting the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit, 3 hits are still allowed after the block.One person hitting the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit, 3 hits are still allowed after the block.
Fouls Four hits by one teamFour hits by one team Spiking in front of the 10 foot line from a back row position.Spiking in front of the 10 foot line from a back row position. Spiking the serve.Spiking the serve. Blocking the serve.Blocking the serve.
Other Rules Timeouts are not allowed, this keeps the games moving.Timeouts are not allowed, this keeps the games moving. A substitute may take the place of any player only when the ball is dead.A substitute may take the place of any player only when the ball is dead. If the ball touches any of the boundary lines it’s considered “in”.If the ball touches any of the boundary lines it’s considered “in”. The ball is in play until it hits the ground or the ref blows their whistle.The ball is in play until it hits the ground or the ref blows their whistle.
Reminders Please, make sure that you remind your teammates that they need to bring their ID every single week! It would be great if all teams brought someone with to keep score, so that the players do not have to do it.
Have A Great Season!! Have fun and play with the best sportsmanship that you have!!