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1 Which food group requires you to eat 6 servings a day?
1 The grains group. Home
2 How many servings of fruit do you need in a day?
2 I am going to say 8.
3 What nutrient is found in the Dairy food group?
3 Calcium
4 Vegetables give you vitamin A, why does your body need this vitamin?
4 It is good for your hearing.
5 If you see a fire burning near a building and nobody is around, what should you do?
5 Find a hose?
6 When you ride a bike in the street, you must wear one of these.
6 Knee pads.
7 For a juice to count as a serving of fruit, it must be this.
7 75% Juice
8 Name the locomotor that can best be described as step hop step hop.
8 I think it is skipping.
9 If an older child approaches you about carrying a bag home, you should…
9 Say no and walk away.