Early Man Early man interacted with their environment by: Hunting animals No product was wasted Gathered plants Used environment to make shelters Made weapons/ tools out of stone Made fire
Early Farmers Early farmers interacted with their environment by: Growing crops by plowing soil Domesticated livestock for products Irrigation ditches, ponds, and canals were used to water crops Obsidian was used for tools, weapons, and art
Mesopotamians Mesopotamians interacted with their environment by: Used clay to make clay tablets and pottery Built mud brick houses Used minerals, such as copper and bronze to make tools/ weapons Built larger buildings like ziggurats
Egyptians Egyptians interacted with their environment by: Used natron to preserve mummies Used linen to wrap mummies Used irrigation to prevent floods and keep water in case of drought Used silt to refine the soil Used papyrus for paper
Ancient Chinese The Ancient Chinese interacted with their environment by: Using loess Used terrace farming because of the mountainous lands Silk road
Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks interacted with their environment by: