Age th Grade
Birth Statistics I was born in Tulsa, Ok. At St. Johns Hospital on Novemember 10 th, I was 5 lbs, 11 ounces..
Family My mom is Fabia Miller, My dad is Greg, My brother is Kyle Cradit.. My mom has 6 sisters, 3 older, 3 younger.. I have 8 cousins.. I have like 30 2 nd cousins I’ve never met or just don’t remember..
Animals I don’t have any pets that live with me.. I’ve always wanted a White Tiger and a monkey…
Hobbies I love hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, the mall, playing soccer, walking where- ever, listening to music…..
Traveling I ‘ve been to Dallas, Tx., Atlanta, Ga, Oklahoma City, Ok.. My mom is from Georgetown, Guyana…
Favorites My favorite food is Curry, and Potato Roti.. Its Indian food that my family cooks. My favorite music is Hip-hop, Rap, and R&B.. I don’t have a favorite movie, actor, or actress.. My favorite sport is soccer..
My Hero's My hero’s are my mom, my best friend Christy, my Aunt Zaida, my cousin Lexie, and my Aunt Vanessa…
Future Plans I plan to have a job, have my own home, my own car, be in college, and learning to be a pediatrician…