Ancient World History Midterm Midterm Essay Ancient World History Midterm First Civilizations, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India & Ancient China
Assignment Overview What ancient cradle civilization had the greatest impact on the modern world? Include three of the seven characteristics of civilization discussed. Make sure you have ample evidence and examples to support your choice.
Class definition of civilization. Assignment Overview Class definition of civilization. An advance of learning and cultural development in human society. A civilization is marked by development in the arts and sciences, the use of record keeping, including writing, and complex political and social systems.
What characteristics make a culture a civilization? Assignment Overview What characteristics make a culture a civilization? Culture: The normal attitudes and behavior of a particular group or organization. Characteristics of Culture: These vary from group to group
Example Mesopotamia Egypt India China Stable Food Supply Complex Irrigation System & Plow Barley & Wheat Social Structure Upper Class: Priests, Land Owners & Government Officials Common Class: Highly Skilled Metalworkers, Farmers & Fisherman Slaves System of Government Sumerian governments were ruled by kings who were chosen by the gods to rule in their place. Religious System Polytheism The Arts Sumerian craftsman made weapons and cups, mirrors, and jewelry. Musicians made music to please the gods and entertain guests at festivals. Technology Sumerians invented the potter’s wheel and wheels for carts and wagons. They built ziggurats. Writing System Cuneiform Example