Inside Congress -- The Two Houses n Why Two Houses? –different basis of representation »representation of constituencies versus representation of states »different weight of states in each house
Inside Congress -- The Two Houses n Why Two Houses? –different basis of representation –different electoral time-frame »House of Representative n constant campaign mode – responsive to current political demands »Senate n more removed from immediate political pressure n can take long-term view –each plays a different role and represents different interests
Inside Congress -- The Two Houses n House of Representatives –unique powers »introducing money bills n Senate –unique powers »ratification of presidential appointments »ratification of treaties n both play a role in routine law-making
The Dynamics of Congressional Law-Making n Inside Congress –Within Each House –Between the Houses n Congress and the President
Inside Congress -- Inside the House of Representatives n Factors Effecting Voting in the House of Representatives –party influence –district influence –ideological influence –special interest influence
Inside Congress -- Inside the House of Representatives n weak party discipline –individual members are more open to outside influence »responsive »can be controlled by outside interests –importance of log-rolling »broad benefits, compromise »hard to get things done »sometimes described as bribery
Inside Congress -- Inside the House of Representatives n committee system –important –dominated according to seniority
Inside Congress -- Inside the Senate n the Senate Atmosphere -- Senatorial Privileges n Cloture and the Filibuster n the committee system
Inside Congress -- Between the Houses n A Congress Divided? n Differences between the Houses –electoral time-frames –representational concerns –dynamics of operation n balancing different interests
Congress and the President n Formal Powers of Congress n United vs. Divided Government –frequency and causes of divided government –effects of divided government n The President and His Party n The President and the “Other” Party