Quartic tests at Fermilab test beam June rd 2015 One “prototype” module made. #1 ? To CERN mid July for August test beam
Main people: Mike Albrow, Sergey Los, Erik Ramberg (Fermilab staff) Duane Ingram (Iowa) and Christina Snyder (Iowa student) Christopher Wiggin (NYU & Fermilab summer student) James Bowen and Aynman Al-Bataineh Univ Kansas (thanks Michael Murray) Geometry of Quartic Module with twenty 3mm x 3mm quartz & sapphire bars Each set in 10 different lengths >> study variation! Actually it is upside down in the installation
Bar assembly ready for insertion in box After bar assembly insertion Looking along light-guide bars Inside box at mm graph paper (iphone camera, poor focus)
To show how bars extend 1.8mm into 2 mm “well” = bottom of R.Pot. 0.2 mm wire runs between Clean room selfie
Sergey Los’ front end board:
BEAM 120 GeV p Trigger Scint. 12mm x 15mm QUARTIC Veto Counter 20mm diam hole PMT240 Photek MCP-PMT Ref time Multiwire Proportional Chamber x-y MWPC map of beam >> with our trigger
PMT240 reference MCP died ;-( Internal spark. Made a new ref counter with Planacon + 24mm quartz block radiator 18x18 mm 2 It worked fine but don’t know its σ(t) and Could not use it for L-bars.
Note laser beams (nominal beam positions) on T and Q detectors (same area). Q could be raised/lowered or moved sideways but by hand. OK but: Recommend a precise x,y and roll, pitch & yaw stage with remote control.
Data collected (all 120 GeV protons, area few cm 2 at detector) About 100 events recorded/sec for 4 sec spill/minute Quartz bars 11 – 19 straight through Sapphire bars 1 – 9 straight through. Light guide bar run Tilted by ~ 2 degrees Without, and then with clipping: shortens signals to ~3 – 4 ns and reduces PH Should give better time resolution. TBC Without and with (for 5 bars) preamplifier 13 dB (~ x 4.5) First runs without MWPC tracking, had problem synchronising readouts. Problem (timing, scope busy) solved for later runs. Events recorded: Without tracking ~ 414,000 With tracking ~ 235,000 About 20% - 30% are probably single clean useful tracks.
Typical ;-) event from last night.20ns/div 50 mV/div. Bottom traces (green) Ref MCP Split in 2 then 2 again for 3 DRS5 modules. 9 colored traces are 9 quartz bars, Signals clipped and amplified (Sergey details). Scope is 200ps sampling. Light leakage between bars does not seem to be a major problem
Some quartz bar Events (top traces) Ref time MCP in green.
Off-line analysis just starting, no numbers yet Plan for analysis mainly by Christina and Chris: Parallel branches: A : MWPC tracking, select clean single tracks projected to Q-bars B: For each channel/condition Signal/not >> pulse height, time. Correlate track information with Lbar information. Δt distributions, pulse height slewing correction (?), time resolution for Single clean bars. And protons through light guides. Is LG info useful to improve time info? Adjacent bar pairs hit? How, why, how to use? Showers seen in MWPC? Aim for conclusions before August tests. Hoped for test with MCP Planacon replacing SiPM array, but no beam last night in time. Approximate numbers of events recorded 414K Without tracking + 240K with tracking Fraction of events useful for analysis about 33% from scan, guess 20% - 25% after cuts.
Summary (Conclusions provisional) Module # 1 tested in beam. Run finished this morning … long hours!! Minor modifications to module construction post-drawings … need update It works! But quantitative results need off-line analysis Do not see major light sharing between bars. Signal:Noise generally good after clipping and amplification. (Should do that I think) Understand interaction fraction. For August tests … out of pot / inside pot ? Replace S-bars with Q-bars or leave for now? If out, Precision positioning with rotations and translations would be good. Module #2 is the plan but time is short (Sergey to order SiPMs, have some but not best) What will be used for reference time signal (I do not have a MCP-PMT to send)? Do you want a 12 x 15 mm trigger scint?