English 2 November I can make inferences from a text. I can edit sentences for mistakes in mechanics. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly difficult texts by answering literal and interpretive questions. I can analyze the various conflicts in a narrative.
Edit for mistakes in commas, semicolons, colons, and dashes. Hot, and sweaty, and tired they pulled dozens of weeds from the garden. Taking the bench the judge looked at the jury cleared his throat and asked if they had reached a decision yet. For her talk to the class Rebecca planned to use several visual props the chalkboard two posters and a short video. Bill had won his heat, he caught his breath, and drank some water before the finals. Although Mom was so surprised that she could hardly speak she finally said “Thank you all for coming and making my fortieth birthday so special. I love you all. And thank you whoever planned this surprise party for me, I am just so touched by all of this.”
Read Chapter 5 List at least 3 different conflicts in this section For each conflict explain: The source of the conflict The nature of the conflict The complications that might influence how the conflict will be resolved Discuss: Where in A Long Way Gone, did you encounter the brutal, thuggish behavior of young rebels- or other young people?
Partner Response Where in A Long Way Gone, did you encounter the brutal, thuggish behavior of young rebels- or other young people?
Around The World- Making a Connection to the TEXT
Read Chapter 6 Why were people afraid of groups of boys traveling together? What is special about Beah’s memory of his older brother skipping rocks? Why do you think it was important for Beah to share his pre-war personality? What is ironic about it?
Exit Slip “This is one of the consequences of the civil war. People stop trusting each other, and every stranger becomes an enemy.” In response to the quote, what happens to people and communities when certain types of people are feared? What happens to the feared? What happens to the fearful?
Homework A Block: Thursday Article of the Week, due Monday for discussion Be sure to do the questions that follow the article.