MQXF Short model and prototype plans P. Ferracin, G. Ambrosio HL-LHC/LARP International Review of the MQXF Design December 10-12, 2014 CERN
Program overview Short model status and plans Long model plans “Links” 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio2
MQXF project schedule Short model program: 5 CERN-LARP models, – Coil fabrication started in 03/2014 – First magnet test (MQXFS1) in 08/2015 (3 LARP coils, 1 CERN coil) Long model program: 2 (CERN) + 3 (LARP) models, – Coil fabrication starts in 2015: 02 (LARP), 10 (CERN) – First magnet test in 11/2016 (LARP) and 11/2017 (CERN) Series production: 10 (CERN) + 10 (LARP) cold masses, – Coil fabrication starts in 01/2018 – First magnet test in 10/ /12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio3
Program overview Short model status and plans Long model plans “Links” 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio4
Short model program 3 models with first set of coils – All tested by LARP Coil design update by March 2015 Second set of coil start in Oct models with 2 nd set of coils PIT coils and models in /12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio5 RRP coils, CERN 1 st set 2014 CERN coil LARP coil RRP coils, CERN 2 nd set PIT, CERN 1 st set RRP coils, LARP 1 st set RRP coils, LARP 2 nd set MQXFS1-2, 1 st coil set MQXFS3-4, 2 nd coil set Models Mirror MQXFS 5, PIT
Short model status Coil fabrication 5/11/2014 Paolo Ferracin6 LARP coil #1 completed LARP coil #3 Prep. for impregn. at BNL LARP coil #2 completed CERN coil #001 (Cu) completed CERN coil #101 (Low-grade) Completed CERN coil #102 Prep. for impregn. CERN coil #103 Winding LARP coil #4 Winding
Short model status Models 2 identical support structures fabricated One at CERN, one shipped to LBNL Same CAD model and same fabrication companies 150 mm mock-up being tested Mirror magnet to be tested in Feb.-Mar /12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio7
Program overview Short model status and plans Long model plans “Links” 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio8
LARP prototypes Winding in Feb sets of coils 2 long prototypes before start of pre-series coil fabrication 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio MQXF1-1b Mirror MQXF2 MQXF3 RRP coils, 1 st set RRP coils, 2 nd set RRP coils, 3 rd set
CERN prototypes 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio RRP coils PIT coils MQXF1-1b MQXF2 Winding in Oct. 2015, reaction in mid set of RRP coils, 1 set of PIT coils 1 long prototypes before start of pre-series RRP coil fabrication Mirror
Prototypes status LARP – taking the lead with 4 m coil fabrication starting in February 2015 – Equipment upgrades in progress: Automatic (Selva) winder (FNAL) Curing mold (FNAL) Vertical test facility (BNL) – Coil tooling is under procurement – Structure assembly tooling under design CERN – Coil and tooling CAD models in progress – Price inquiry in Jan./Feb /12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio11
Program overview Short model status and plans Long model plans “Links” 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio12
Links Short mirror LARP long coil MQXFS1 CERN long coils MQXFS3 LARP long II set MQXFS4 LARP long III set MQXFS5 CERN long PIT 3 long models results ~before start series coils 11/12/2014 Paolo Ferracin, Giorgio Ambrosio