Guest Lecturer/Performer What is the definition An Individual presenting lectures, speeches, seminars, workshops, and/or performances What is included The entire payment for the service (including expenses) When is the form not acceptable Businesses, faculty or staff members, students Payment is greater than $5,000.00
Guest Lecturer/Performer con’t What must occur to process payment Form submitted within five (5) days after service is rendered All appropriate signatures must be obtained There is money in the account Individual must be in the vendor system or a W9 must be completed
Guest Lecturer/Performer Pain Points Handwritten forms Incomplete or unclear forms Any questions concerns?
Check Requests What are they used for Postal Services/postage Registrations (when Pcard is not accepted) Employee incurred expenses other than travel Student travel What are they not used for Memberships Employee travel Purchases over $5,000 A means of circumventing purchasing requirements
Check Requests con’t What must occur to process payment All appropriate signatures must be obtained VP/Provost if purchasing rules were broken ORSP if using a grant account Preparer printed name and signature Account manager printed name and signature A supervisor signature is required if the payee is also the account manager There is money in the account Vendor is setup in the vendor file If not a W9 must accompany the request
Check Request Pain Points Old forms Handwritten forms Requests for check to be sent to the bursar Insufficient funds available No food justification form – when applicable No supporting documentation for the reimbursement
Confirming Purchase Orders Definition: A purchase, letter of intent to purchase, or request for scheduling in advance of an order that is made by an individual, without having a valid purchase order. Purchasing Policies Use of confirming requisitions and purchase orders without an approved TWU payment method is a violation. Even if you have a signed contract – TWU is not obligated to pay without a valid purchase order