Translation Basics (Chapt. 3 – Chapt. 6) Translation Basics (Chapt. 3 – Chapt. 6) 陳雅齡2013-6-17.


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Presentation transcript:

Translation Basics (Chapt. 3 – Chapt. 6) Translation Basics (Chapt. 3 – Chapt. 6) 陳雅齡

形容詞的排列 (1) 特定用法 (1) 特定用法 以 ible, able 結尾的形容詞, 如 : 以 ible, able 結尾的形容詞, 如 : every way possible, book available, every way possible, book available, the person reliable, the person reliable, earliest edition obtainable earliest edition obtainable

形容詞的排列 (2) 修飾 some, any, one 等構成的 不定代名詞 ︰ 不定代名詞 ︰ There are things unexpected There are things unexpected Have you met anyone famous? Have you met anyone famous? No one else came to the party. No one else came to the party. Let ’ s do something exciting. Let ’ s do something exciting.

形容詞的排列 (3) 習慣用法 (p.201-p.202) sum total, court martial, secretary general, the day following, chapter ten, page three, things artistic sum total, court martial, secretary general, the day following, chapter ten, page three, things artistic 以上 狀況外, 以上 狀況外, 可參考 OP SH A C O M 可參考 OP SH A C O M A large new building, a lonely white sail, A large new building, a lonely white sail, a round chalk-white face a round chalk-white face.

倒裝句型 (1) 表示方向 From peak to peak leaps the thunder Down runs the river through the gorges. But: Away they hurried. Out he rushed to see what happened. (2) 表示方式或方法 : With much difficulty did she find her way home. With much difficulty did she find her way home. By the work of his own hands has he earned his bread. By the work of his own hands has he earned his bread.

倒裝句型 (3) 表否定 : Never was the night so still. Never was the night so still. Not until then did he realize his own fault. Not until then did he realize his own fault. Not a finger did I lay on him. Not a finger did I lay on him. Never had he had any experience like that. Never had he had any experience like that. (4) 表條件 : Only by working hard can we achieve the aim. Only when you do your best will you succeed finally.

Chapter 4. 一詞多義 or 一意多詞 good, run, bear, like, straight 等, 還可以找 到更多嗎 ? 笑 : laugh, smile, giggle, chuckle, beaming, jeer, guffaw, smirk, grin 走 : walk, saunter, amble, sride, trudge, trapse, shamble, prance, scamper, clump

一意多詞 死亡 : to expire, to pass away, to breathe one ’ s last, to go west, to kick the bucket … 所以要看上下文, 要理解詞義, 要查字典。

迴避重複 I don ’ t like strong tea. I don ’ t like strong tea. I suppose weak tea is better for me. I suppose weak tea is better for me. He will come tomorrow. He will come tomorrow. I hope he will come. I hope he will come. I hope he will not come. I hope he will not come.

Chapter 6. 翻譯難在文化 1. 中國人飲食文化之翻譯 ? 1. 中國人飲食文化之翻譯 ? 2. 西洋人 數字 色彩的翻譯 ? 2. 西洋人 數字 色彩的翻譯 ? 3. 佛教 基督教等的翻譯 ? 3. 佛教 基督教等的翻譯 ?

Conclusion Translation is art. Translation is art. Translation is science. Translation is science. Translation is constant practice. Translation is constant practice.