The Cortex-M3 Embedded Systems: LM3S9B96 Microcontroller – Interrupts Refer to Chapter 4 in the reference book “Stellaris® LM3S9B96 Microcontroller - DATA SHEET”
z Exceptions are numbered 1 to 15 for system exceptions and the rest 240 for external interrupt inputs.(Total 256 entries in vector table.) zIn LM3S9B96, 10 system exceptions and 53 interrupts z Most of the exceptions have programmable priority, and a few have fixed priority. zReset, NMI, and Hard Fault have fixed priorities of -3, -2, and -1, respectively zEight user programmable priority levels; 0 is the highest and the default priority is 0 for all the programmable priorities z3-bit priority registers are implemented for all the programmable priorities Exceptions
List of Exceptions
Setup Exceptions at NVIC
z 8 exception priorities can be further grouped defined by the Application Interrupt and Reset Control (APINT) register z Only the group priority determines preemption of interrupt exceptions z If multiple pending interrupts have the same group priority, the subpriority field determines the order in which they are processed z If multiple pending interrupts have the same group priority and subpriority, the interrupt with the lowest IRQ number is processed first Exception Priorities
Application Interrupt and Reset Control (APINT), offset 0xD0C zProvides priority grouping control, endian status for data accesses, and reset control of the system; accessed from privileged mode
z For system exceptions, priorities are set with the NVIC System Handler Priority n (SYSPRIn) registers System Handler Priority 1 (SYSPRI1), offset 0xD18 System Handler Priority 2 (SYSPRI2), offset 0xD1C System Handler Priority 3 (SYSPRI3), offset 0xD20 Set Exception Priorities
z For interrupts, priorities are set with the NVIC Interrupt Priority n (PRIn) registers Interrupt 0-3 Priority (PRI0), offset 0x400 … Interrupt Priority (PRI13), offset 0x434 Set Exception Priorities …
z For system exceptions, the SYSHNDCTRL register enables the system handlers, and indicates the pending and active status of the system handlers; The INCTRL register provides a set-pending bit for the NMI exception, and set-pending and clear-pending bits for the PendSV and SysTick exceptions. System Handler Control and State (SYSHNDCTRL), offset 0xD24 Interrupt Control and State (INTCTRL), offset 0xD04 Enable and Disable Exceptions
z For interrupts, the ENn register enable interrupts and show which interrupts are enabled. Interrupt 0-31 Set Enable (EN0), offset 0x100 Interrupt Set Enable (EN1), offset 0x104 Enable and Disable Exceptions
z For interrupts, the DISn register disable interrupts and show which interrupts are disabled. Interrupt 0-31 Clear Enable (DIS0), offset 0x180 Interrupt Clear Enable (DIS1), offset 0x184 Enable and Disable Exceptions
z If an interrupt takes place but cannot be executed immediately, it will be pended. yThe interrupt-pending status can be accessed through the Interrupt Set Pending (PEND) and Interrupt Clear Pending (UNPEND) registers. yUser can set the certain bit of PEND to enter its handler by software. yFor each interrupt the NVIC has a PEND and a UNPEND register. yPEND0 and PEND1: 0xE000E200-0xE000E204 yUNPEND0 and UNPEND1: 0xE000E280-0xE000E284 z Similarly, for each interrupt the NVIC has a Active status register. yInterrupt 0-31 Active Bit (ACTIVE0), offset 0x300 yInterrupt Active Bit (ACTIVE1), offset 0x304 Interrupt Pending and Active Status
z Software interrupts can be generated by using: 1. The PEND register 2. The Software Trigger Interrupt Register (STIR) Software Trigger Interrupt Register (0xE000EF00) z System exceptions (NMI, faults, PendSV, and so on) cannot be pended using STIR. BitsNameTypeReset ValueDescription 8:0INTIDW–Writing the interrupt number sets the pending bit of the interrupt; for example, write 0 to pend external interrupt #0 Software Interrupts
Setup Exceptions at a Peripheral
Example: Setting up Interrupt for GPIO
Define Interrupt Conditions zGPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS) register: setting a bit, detect levels on the pin; otherwise, detect edges zGPIO Interrupt Both Edges (GPIOIBE) register: when GPIOIS is set to detect edges, setting a bit in GPIOIBE enables the pin to detect both rising and falling edges; otherwise, the pin is controlled by the GPIOIEV register zGPIO Interrupt Event (GPIOIEV) register: setting a bit, detect rising edges (or high levels); otherwise, detect falling edges (or low levels), depending on the settings of GPIOIS
Other Interrupt Control Registers zGPIO Interrupt Mask (GPIOIM) register: setting a bit, allows the pin to generate interrupts; otherwise, disable interrupts zGPIO Raw Interrupt Status (GPIORIS) register: A bit is set when an interrupt condition occurs on the corresponding GPIO pin; otherwise, RAZ. zGPIO Masked Interrupt Status (GPIOMIS) register: If a bit is set, the corresponding interrupt has triggered an interrupt to the interrupt controller; otherwise, either no interrupt has been generated, or the interrupt is masked zGPIO Interrupt Clear (GPIOICR) register: Writing a 1 to a bit in this register clears the corresponding interrupt bit in the GPIORIS and GPIOMIS registers
GPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS), offset 0x404 The GPIOIS register is the interrupt sense register. Setting a bit in the GPIOIS register configures the corresponding pin to detect levels, while clearing a bit configures the corresponding pin to detect edges. All bits are cleared by a reset.
GPIO Interrupt Both Edges (GPIOIBE), offset 0x408 The GPIOIBE register allows both edges to cause interrupts. When the corresponding bit in the GPIOIS register (see page 320) is set to detect edges, setting a bit in the GPIOIBE register configures the corresponding pin to detect both rising and falling edges. Clearing a bit configures the pin to be controlled by the GPIOIEV register. All bits are cleared by a reset.
GPIO Interrupt Event (GPIOIEV), offset 0x40C Setting a bit in the GPIOIEV register configures the corresponding pin to detect rising edges or high levels (clearing a bit configures the pin to detect falling edges or low levels), depending on the corresponding bit value in the GPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS) register. All bits are cleared by a reset.
GPIO Interrupt Mask (GPIOIM), offset 0x410 The GPIOIM register is the interrupt mask register. Setting a bit in the GPIOIM register allows interrupts that are generated by the corresponding pin to be sent to the interrupt controller on the combined interrupt signal. All bits are cleared by a reset.
GPIO Raw Interrupt Status (GPIORIS), offset 0x414 The GPIORIS register is the raw interrupt status register. A bit in this register is set when an interrupt condition occurs on the corresponding GPIO pin. A bit in this register can be cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit in the GPIO Interrupt Clear (GPIOICR) register.
GPIO Masked Interrupt Status (GPIOMIS), offset 0x418 The GPIOMIS register is the masked interrupt status register. If a bit is set in this register, the corresponding interrupt has triggered an interrupt to the interrupt controller.
GPIO Interrupt Clear (GPIOICR), offset 0x41C The GPIOICR register is the interrupt clear register. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register clears the corresponding interrupt bit in the GPIORIS and GPIOMIS registers. Writing a 0 has no effect.
How to configure an Interrupt? z At the NVIC side ySet up the priority group register (group 0 by default) ySet up the priority level for the interrupt yEnable the interrupt z At the peripheral side yEnable the peripheral (setup the RCGCn) yConfigure the interrupt type for the peripheral yEnable the interrupt in the peripheral z Write an interrupt service routine (ISR) yIdentify the interrupt source yClear the interrupt request z Register the ISR in the interrupt vector table