Module II Targeted Audience a.Describe the targeted audience, including the size and significant characteristics of the audience that may affect program delivery and impact. b.Include where you got the data!
Module II Targeted Audience c. How does this section link to the situation statement? d.What is the “unit of analysis” of the data, should it be the same as the target audience?
Module II Targeted Audience Potential Clientele Table a.Enter the number and percent of potential recipients into the appropriate table(s). The number and percent must be specified by racial-ethnic group and by sex. Percents may be rounded to whole numbers.
Module II Targeted Audience Potential Clientele Table b.The headings for the racial-ethnic groups are: i.White= White, non-Hispanic ii.Black= Black, non-Hispanic iii.AI/ALA= American Indian or Alaskan Indian (also called Native American) iv.Hispanic = Hispanic v.Asian/PI = Asian or Pacific Islander
Potential Clientele Table Example: Total Audience White Black Hispanic Asian/PI AI/ALA Female Male Potential Audience 1, %
Parity participation Programs need to be open to all potential participants regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity If you do not make specific steps to incorporate minorities into your program, they will be underserved.
Reaching Minority Audiences Incorporate Diverse Group Into Target Clientele Adapt Existing Programs With the Diverse Group Create New Programs With the Diverse Group
Identifying a Target Audience Why not design programs for anyone and everyone? Educational programs can be made more effective when designed for a specific audience
People and their learning needs differ by: Age education level socioeconomic status language ethnicity cultural patterns participation patterns occupations -- to name just a few things
Key Questions for Target Audiences: Who are the people affected by the problem or issue? What are the specific characteristics of the audience that impact how to plan and deliver programs? What skills or strengths does this audience have that could be enhanced to address these needs? What social, cultural, economic, or environmental changes should occur? Are these changes possible and realistic? What timing and access factors are important to consider?