A Preparation Presentation For: Administrators Team Members Classroom Management Trainers Coaches Start Here! The Wisconsin RtI Center/Wisconsin PBIS Network (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material.
Objectives ResearchAdministrator’s RolePBIS Team RoleIntroduce Online SeriesData use
On-Line Resource Start Here! A Preparation Presentation Classroom Overview Training modules Rules and Routines Acknowledgement Systems Consequence Systems
High Student Engagement = High Achievement Factors that most impact student engagement
Effective Professional Development COMPONENTSKNOWLEDGESKILLTRANSFER Study of Theory 10%5%0% Demonstration 30%20%0% Practice and Feedback 60% 5% Peer Coaching 95%
December, 2012 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Need an appropriate picture The Need for Culturally Responsive Practices
What’s so in Wisconsin?
PBIS Implementation Surveys Checklists Disaggregated referral data The Use of Data Prior to Professional Development Discipline Referral Data
Implementation Data
Classroom Management Checklists Self Reflection Checklist
Disaggregated Discipline Referral Data
Collect, Analyze, Share Use a better picture of Sharing at a faculty meeting If possible
Keep the audio and picture from current site Look at how the following points are shared, and create an engaging way to go through the 7 points. We tend to loose people when going through the points. M i s s i o n I m p o s s i b l e !
Role of the Principal Become Knowledgeable Positive Support Staff understands rationale
Role of the Principal Become Knowledgeable Positive Support Staff understands rationale Disrupt status quo Monitor implementation Vary leadership Firm beliefs
Create a safe and nurturing climate for teachers to improve their skills Feedback = Evaluation
Team Role Create staff development plan Data
Professional Learning Communities Peer Coaching Designated Coach Video taping and review Walk Throughs Feedback/Coaching
1.Choose a skill that is easily observable 2.Identify key components of the skill 3.Train observers 4.Combine results after observation 5.Repeat several times to graph change Walk Throughs
Change First-order Logical extension of past practices Incremental improvements in the current situation Can be implemented with current knowledge Second-order Fundamental or significant break with past and current practices Dramatic differences in the current situation Requires new knowledge and skills for implementation.
Design Features COMPONENTSKNOWLEDGESKILLTRANSFER Study of Theory 10%5%0% Demonstration 30%20%0% Practice and Feedback 60% 5% Peer Coaching 95%
Thank you