Continuous Character Development Narrative…. and the Power of Positive Reinforcement
“The secret to our success is applause. Applause for all the good things people are doing every day. Applause is like the accelerator, if you want improvement to happen faster, just applaud more.” Vice President, Quality, Miliken
Recognition Two major sources fuel the improvement process. personal satisfaction external recognition
Recognize efforts accomplishments
Recognition and Reward Constant - formal recognition system
“When you’re through improving, you’re through.” Lou Holtz
Accelerate the rate of improvement Make this class work better. Make this a better class in which to work.
The human side Us… how much of myself am I willing to “bring?” Them… how much of them am I willing to “receive?”
Discretionary Effort The difference between the maximum amount of effort a person could bring to his/her task and the amount of effort required to get by. In short, the portion of one’s effort over which a student has the greatest control.
Behavior is a function of its consequences Behavior Situation Consequences
A-B-C Model Antecedents precede the activity or behavior prompts, triggers, or activates behavior procedures procedures instructions instructions expectations expectations environment environment
A-B-C Model Behavior what is done activity/performance
A-B-C Model Consequences follows behavior causes behavior to increase or decrease in frequency
Those things that get rewarded get done
Types of Consequences Consequences Decrease Increase Positive Reinforcement (adding something desirable) Negative Reinforcement (removing something undesirable) Punishment (adding something undesirable) Extinction (removing something desirable)
SITUATION TEAM GOALS clear understandable measureable BEHAVIOR RESULTS FEEDBACK immediate simple REINFORCEMENT positive frequent Model Flow Chart
Focus Examples Respecting the teacher Respecting other students Listening Following Directions Homework completion Taking good notes Participating positively Many, many others
Tools Stories Yours and theirs Thales outcomes Class expectations Class Dojo Procedures Rewards