9.2 Biologists use seven levels of classification
Carolus Linnaeus developed a system for naming species and organizing into groups – Called binomial nomenclature Linnaeus used appearance, but today we use physical and genetic evidence. A genus name and a species name is necessary in naming an organism – Example: Ursus arctos (grizzly bear) Ursus martimus (polar bear)
Gracilis means “slender” or “graceful” in Latin Aubrieta gracilis (false rockcress) Chameleo gracilis (gracile chameleon) Mammillaria gracilis (thimble cactus) Without the genus name, the species name is unclear.
Seven Levels Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti
Classification of a Cat Kingdom Animalia – the animals Phylum Chordata – animals with backbones Class Mammalia – mammals, nurse their young Order Carnivoria – carnivores, kill and eat other animals Family Felidae – the cat family Genus Felis – housecats, cougars, do not roar Species catus – all housecats, no matter what breed
Dichotomous Key Guide to indentify organisms by asking a series of questions. Only 2 responses for each statement - the statement that describes the organism is chosen. By working through the statements in key order the person can eventually identify the organism.