Walsall Council Budget Setting What’s important to you? Easy Read Information
Walsall Council has to decide how to spend its money The credit crunch means the government has less money to give to councils People are spending less on council services The council’s bank balance is less
Councils are not allowed to charge its residents more for services There is not enough money for everything Cuts will have to be made to balance the budget
The budget is like a trolley of groceries…. Like you and me the council can’t afford everything it wants Like shopping, the council has to decide what it buys and what it does without
The council has to pay for: Social care Keeping people safe Education Environment
The council has to pay for: Roads Housing Bills, rent
Budget Setting How does the Council decide how much to spend on services?
Budget Setting The council asks people who live in Walsall what is important to them Managers use what residents say to help decide what services will be delivered
Budget Setting Reports are given to councillors to ask for money Based on these reports the money is divided up and the budget is agreed
Walsall Council wants you to tell them… If you were in charge of the council budget, how would you spend it, on what and why? What is most important for making somewhere a good place to live? Thinking about the Borough of Walsall what most needs improving?
Walsall Council wants you to tell them… What makes you proud of Walsall as a place to live? What, if anything, doesn’t make you proud of Walsall?
Walsall Council wants you to tell them… Which council services are most important to you? Which council services are less important?