MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters1 4 Purpose 4 Motor Specs 4 Alternatives
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters2 MTE Motor Protection Filters... l Eliminate motor repetitive voltage stress failures l Eliminate long lead motor over voltage problem
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters3 Output Device = None Circuit Length = 750 ft Load = 3Ø 240 V, 3-1/4 A f SW = 6KHz f FUND = 60 Hz Drive Output Voltage
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters4 Motor Protection Filter Options l Single element low pass filter l High frequency snubber l Dual element low pass filter
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters5 Single Element Low Pass Filter Rise Time > 4µsec f SWITCH < 20 KHz 5% Reactor, 1000 ft, 240V--60 Hz, 6KHz
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters6 High Frequency Snubber 1000 ft, 240V—60 Hz, 3KHz Rise time > 2µsec f SWITCH < 3.75KHz
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters7 Dual Element Low Pass Filter LC Filter, 1000 ft, 240V--60 Hz, 6KHz Rise Time > 2µsec 5KHz < f SWITCH < 20KHz
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters8 MTE Gives You... è The lowest utilization cost è Full range of solutions: uReactors uSnubbers uSine wave filters è Total motor insulation protection è The most durable product available è Stocked components è A global delivery system
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters9 Motor Protection Filter Alternatives
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters10 Output Reactor Spec
MTE CORPORATION Motor Protection Filters11