KEY TERMS Joint- place where two bones come together Marrow- soft connective tissue Ligament- strong connective tissue Cartilage- connective tissue more flexible than bone Osteoporosis- condition when bones become weak and break Vertebra- bones that make up the backbone of the human
FUNCTIONS OF A SKELETON Supports your body Enables you to move Protects your internal organs Stores important materials until your body needs them
BONE GROWTH Baby's body's are made mostly of cartilage Cartilage was replaced with hard bone tissue from when you were a baby Bones absorb the force of your weight and make new tissue Bone cells form new bone tissue as you grow
JOINTS Immoveable Joints- joints that connect bones in a way that allows little or no movement Moveable Joints- joints that allow your body to make a wide range of movements Ball and socket joint- greatest range of movement Hinge joint- move back and forth Gliding joints- bones move over another bone Pivot joint- allows a bone to rotate around another
KEEPING BONES STRONG AND HEALTHY? Ways to keep your bones strong and safe are: Eat and drink foods that have calcium and minerals Exercise Play sports
BONE DISEASES Osteoporosis- condition when bones become weak and break easily, more common in women than men
SKELETON AND OTHER SYSTEMS Skeleton makes blood cells Protects the esophagus Opens your mouth allowing air down the trachea Protects the heart
SKELETON PARTS 1.Skull 2.Jawbone 3.Collar Bone 4.Sternum 5.Humerus 6.Ribs 7.Vertebral Column 8.Pelvic Girdle 9.Radius 10.Ulna 11.Carpals 12.Metacarpals 13.Phalanges 14.Femur 15.Patella 16.Tibia 17.Fibula 18.Tarsals 19.Metatarsals 20.Phalanges
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