Sources of Omega-3’s: Supplements vs. Food Suzanne Hotchkiss NUTR 421 Macronutrient Metabolism
Omega-3’s (n-3) Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) ◦ Essential- cannot be synthesized in animal cells ◦ Lack- delta 12 and delta 15 desaturases ALA Eicospentaenoic Acid (EPA) Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Eicosanoids Physiological effects: anti-arrhythmic, anti- inflammatory, vasodilatation w.women shealthma rition/goo d-fats
Sources Alpha-linolenic acid ◦ Flaxseed, linseed, soybean EPA ◦ Marine algae, fish DHA ◦ Phospholipids components of animal fats, fish oils
Clinical Trial 1 44 participants, yrs old New Zealand, 8 weeks long ◦ 4 equal # groups 1.Two 120 g servings of salmon/week 2.Two 1200mg capsules of fish oil/day 3.Four 1200mg capsules of fish oil/day 4.Six 1200mg capsules of fish oil/day Salmon v. capsules: n-3 and selenium status
n-3 FA daily consumption Each capsule 1200mg
Blood sample and biochemical analysis Blood samples taken after 8hr Tested: ◦ Fatty acids ◦ Plasma Selenium (Se) ◦ Whole-blood glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity. GPx is an enzyme that plays a role in protection from oxidative damage.
Blood sample change in FA levels ALA change ◦ insignificant EPA change ◦ Salmon 80% increase, Six capsules 84% increase
Blood sample change in FA levels DHA changes ◦ Salmon 93% increase, six capsules 92% increase Omega-3 index ◦ Salmon 174% increase, six capsules 176%
Clinical Trial 2 Randomized, open-label, parallel-group 32 men and women, yrs old 600 mg DHA/day from algal-oil vs. 2 oz/day cooked salmon Algal-Oil Capsules and Cooked Salmon: DHA content
Algal Oil DHA Single Cell Oil, C. cohnii (DHASCO) C. cohnii ◦ Heterotrophic microalgae ◦ Vegetarian source of DHA Provides DHA as triglyceride with other naturally occurring fatty acids. ◦ EPA not present Picture:
Changes in FA levels Plasma phospholipids (A) Algal Oil Fish DHA increased by approximately 80% for both Algal oil- capsule and fish groups
Changes in FA levels Erythrocytes Algal Oil Fish DHA increased by approximately 25% in both algal-oil capsule and fish groups
Conclusion Dietary sources ◦ Significantly higher amounts of omega-3’s ◦ Have other beneficial nutrients Supplements ◦ Convenient ◦ Less expensive ◦ Vegetarian options