By Cindy Ni
Born February 5, 1840 in Maine
At a young age he was already showing his genius
He was an apprentice to an coach builder
After his apprenticeship he started working with his uncle Levi on machines
He invented many things including a prototype for an curling iron
Also invented a locomotive headlamp
At a Paris exhibition someone told him "If you wanted to make a lot of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each other's throat with greater facility.”
He invented the Maxim gun in 1884
His invention was rejected by the U.S. War Department, they deemed it unworthy by U.S. military standards
He returned to England and was visited by English royalty
He demonstrated how the gun worked
The Queen ordered many of his guns for The British troops
Soon Maxim Gun and Co. was founded
The gun was first used by British troops in WW1
Knighted by Queen Victoria for his invention in 1901
He later invented smoke less cartridges and...
…..Cordite which improved his machine gun
A few years later Hiram and his crew built a airplane powered by a small steam engine
He died in London on November
His invitation made a big impact on the world
He changed warfare forever
Sources (pictures) Headlamp-Northern-Pacific-RR-National-Co-21-inch-D htm Headlamp-Northern-Pacific-RR-National-Co-21-inch-D htm / ?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item230e31f4bc / ?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item230e31f4bc
Sources (info) htm htm ade/maxim_hi.html ade/maxim_hi.html