Succeed Strategy 1 A. Developing strong staff/student/parent relationships. B. Support the student through continuous focused feedback D. Student engagement through real community-based projects, (real-life situations, combining subject areas and integrating multiple subject areas into the project.) Strategy that you believe would have the greatest impact on student learning in our classrooms.
Create Strategy 2 Strategy that you believe would have the greatest impact on student learning in our classrooms. E. Create a nurturing environment where the process of the risk is encouraged, enabled and rewarded. F. Divisional collaboration between grade level/subject teachers. C. Engage students (staff, parents, community) to create meaning and take ownership of their own education, leaving room for individualism while providing appropriate boundaries and direction
Achieve Strategy 3 Strategy that you believe would have the greatest impact on student learning in our classrooms. A Pyramid of Interventions Hensure all students find their passion, develop their vision BEnsuring sharing of promising practices at the all levels EOpportunities for detailed, focused, relevant, and collaborative feedback: self, peer, teacher.