definition art of producing raised patterns on the surface of metal, leather, textiles, paper, and other similar substances.
You get really nice designs popping out of the paper.
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The process Decide on a subject matter. You might need to use a computer to help you with images. Break the subject down into a contour drawing. Then, further break down the contour drawing into shapes that are closer and farther away.
Building the base You are going to cut the shapes out of cardboard, mat board, and poster board and build up or cut out to create a 3D version of your drawing. This makes a sculpture that is almost flat. This type of sculpture is called bas-relief.
Bas-Relief Pronounced “Baaa relief.” The “s” is silent.
Side view and front view
For best success… Use at least 5 different levels. Some should be built up and some should be cut away. Do not have too much of a level change to quickly, other wise the paper won’t squish into the deep areas without ripping. Use different thicknesses of material for variety.
Grading Composition: Did you use the entire space? How complicated is your design? 10 points Craftsmanship of the base construction: Did you plan for levels being further away or closer in the final piece? How clean are your cuts? How clean is the construction of the base? 10 points Craftsmanship of the embossing: 5 points Total 25 points
Additional info: National Core Arts Standards: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11 SWBAT use correct tools and techniques to create a successful embossed image with strong design. Vocab: embossing, bas-relief