1 Welcome! DBT544 students to the iSeries, DB2 Universal Database And SQL interface
2 Agenda Administrivia DB2 Basics
3 Some Administrivia Course Standards
4 Course Structure 2 hours of lecture 2 hours of labs –The purpose of the labs is to practice and expand on what you learned in the lecture and studied in the text book. –provide you with actual practical problems as they occur in the industry. –It is the hands-on, practical side of the course. Attendance and completion of the labs will be a key factor in completing the course successfully. Remember PRACTISE makes PERFECT
5 Lecture and Lab Notes Lecture notes will be available from my Home Page or handed out. Labs can be retrieved from DBT544/HANDOUTF05 on ODIN before or during the lab or provided as a handout. Please print the lecture or lab notes, when appropriate, ahead of time and bring them to class. !! Each lab will have a “deliverable” associated with it and will be evaluated for marks to be counted towards your final grade!!
6 Do you want to do well? Show up for Lectures Complete the Labs, MARKS! Do the required reading Do the Review questions and labs from your text book, they serve both to re- enforce and as practice
7 Marks TEST 135% Final Exam35% Labs30% 6 labs - 5% each and are marked all or nothing. Each week late looses 1 mark out of 5.
8 Connectivity Software WDSc Websphere Development System client) Client Access (also used here - selectively) Mocha (use from home) Software that allows you to connect your PC to the AS/400 using communications.
9 What to do next? Attend ALL lectures Finish every lab assignment Study your text and handouts Practise
10 What is DB2?
11 Database is built in...not added on All data accessed through integrated data base DB2 UDB for iSeries does not have a data base package iSeries is a data base machine AS/400 designed with relational database Data base provides flexibility and performance DB2 UDB for iSeries
12 #1 in systems #1 in end users #1 in business applications # 1 in total terabytes of relational data # 1 Multi-User Relational Database in the World!! Based on 1995 IDC Data: AS/400 and Unix mid-range server shipments and database market share (Licenses)
13 Parallel Database Functions Data Warehouse Competition DB2 UDB for iSeries AS/400 DBA No DBA Required n Automatic Space Management n Automatic Optimization n Database Integrity n No Resource Configuration n... DBA Required n Space Management n Optimization n Database Integrity needs checking n Resource Configuration n... DBA NT Server SQL Server Database Administrators
14 Data Base Implementation Two file types Physical file or Table contains the actual data may/may not be keyed access Logical file or View contains no data different order reordering of fields changing field attributes expressions (translate, concatenation, etc) record selection based on data in fields joins (inner, left partial outer, exception) hierarchical merges
15 File creation is via: SQL - CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW AS/400 maintains data dictionary and catalog for SQL databases OS/400 - CRTPF, CRTLF commands record formats defined by user at field level by writing data description specifications description becomes encapsulated in file object permits more options than SQL (eg. edit checks, default values) field definitions can point to fields in other files (field reference file) Implementation …
16 OS/400 objects have descriptive part and space part Descriptive part contains file definition Descriptive part is accessed by HLL compilers etc. to retrieve field definitions Space part contains the data and/or index Space part may contain multiple members index FILES & TABLES ARE OS/400 OBJECTS
17 SQL Implementation V5R2 Green Screen – STRSQL Operations Navigator – Database WebSphere
18 Schema vs Collection vs Library?
19 Table vs File
20 View vs Index vs Logical File
21 Session Attributes
22 SQL Basics Select Update Delete Insert
23 Select Statements Functions Naming Columns Union
24 Creating Tables DSPFD – Displays a File’s Description DSPFFD – Displays a File’s layout DSOBJD – Displays an Objects Description
25 Creating Tables Create Table xxx as (select …) with data Create table xxx as (select …) without data
26 Constraints Primary Key Unique Foreign Key Check
27 Copying Data CPYF vs CRTDUPOBJ? SQL Way
28 Homework Print Lab 1A from DBT544/HANDOUTF05 Read Chapters 1 thru 4 from text