? A message has been received from the Constellation Mars mission and it has been garbled. Work out the garbled message and then work out an answer. Switch on first switch for a minute. Turn it off. Turn the second switch on. Go into the room. Feel the bulbs. The warm one is the first switch. The light that is on is the second switch and the one not on and cold is the third switch!
Combination of two or more materials combined together to change their properties (eg Higher strength, less weight and resistance to temperature). Usually a matrix and a dispersed ‘phase’: Particle composites eg. MDF, concrete Fibre composites eg. Carbon fibre, Papier mache, Fibreglass Sandwich (laminar) composites eg. Safety glass, plywood, space shuttle tiles
The helmet must have: A visor to see through A collar to support the helmet Some structures on the helmet (eg antennae) A painted exterior A logo or label for your mission Your name on the helmet The more creative the better! You could sketch out a plan on some rough paper?
You will need to blow up a balloon so that it is big enough to go over your head Create a collar out of cardboard to go around the base of the balloon Sellotape the collar to the balloon carefully Sellotape on any shapes that you want to add Mix PVA with water (2:1) Rip up strips of newspaper and dip in the PVA mix until they are saturated Apply strips evenly across the whole structure (including the collar (we will cut out the visor next week) You will need a minimum of 5 layers!