September, 2005What IHE Delivers 1 A New Governance for IHE-Europe David Monteau, INRIA IHE-International Meeting, Nov
2 Why ? What are our objectives : Enhance the organisation efficiency transparency (incl. of decision making process) Clarify Membership Clarify Rights and Responsabilities of the Members Secure committment of Members (incl. IHE National Initiatives) Coordinate and improve the contribution of IHE-Europe at the international level A New Governance for IHE-Europe
3 Testing Marketing & Communication Contribution to Development Operations DecisionsRepresentation IHE-EuropeCommittee What ? : tasks A New Governance for IHE-Europe
4 TestingCommittee MarComCommitteeDevelopmentCommittee What ? : tasksorganisation IHE-Europe Steering Committee Operations DecisionsRepresentation A New Governance for IHE-Europe
5 IHE-Europe Committees IHE-Europe Steering Committee the IHE-Europe governance body with the highest level of authority. - endorse and validate the strategic direction and budget - officially represent IHE-Europe to External Bodies
6 IHE-Europe Committees IHE-Europe MarCom Committee manages the promotion and education work related to IHE Technical Frameworks in Europe, including: - Public Relation and Communication - Marketing IHE in Europe - Organization of European IHE demos - Planning and supervision of the European - Connect-a-thon and its workshops - Recruitment of, Coordination with and Support of National IHE Initiatives
7 IHE-Europe Committees IHE-Europe Testing Committee coordinates the technical support for IHE- Europe activities: - operational organization of the Connect-a-thon and Workshops - contribution to the global tools definition and specification - coordination of European contribution to the Technical Development, especially with IHE National Initiatives
8 IHE-Europe Committees IHE-Europe Development Committee strengthens and coordinates European stakeholders’ contributions to the development of Technical Frameworks and the definition of new Domains : - Contribution to the global definition of new Domains and Integration Profiles - Possibly initiate new Domains and Integration Profiles - Recruit and coordination Volunteers to participate to the IHE International Technical & Planning Committees - Expression of European specificities - Collect feed-back from IHE National Initiatives on Integration Profiles and New Domains Development
9 TestingCommittee MarComCommitteeDevelopmentCommittee IHE-Europe Steering Committee AdvisoryBoard operations DecisionsRepresentation SecretariatManagement A New Governance for IHE-Europe
10 IHE-Europe Committees Advisory Board prepares and publishes recommendations for the Steering Committee - consultative role and no official representative of IHE- Europe to external bodies - Members : high level personalities, representatives of the Societies, European Institutions, and Opinion Leaders, mainly from the Healthcare IT Users side.
11 TestingCommittee MarComCommitteeDevelopmentCommittee IHE-Europe Steering Committee AdvisoryBoard operations DecisionsRepresentation SecretariatManagement A New Governance for IHE-Europe IHE National
12 TestingCommittee MarComCommitteeDevelopmentCommittee IHE-Europe Steering Committee AdvisoryBoard operations DecisionsRepresentation SecretariatManagementIHEInternational Technical & Planning Committees Committees International Technical Management Team Technical & Planning Committees A New Governance for IHE-Europe
13 Contributors Participate in Operational Cttee Members Membership Agreement Vote in Operational Cttee IHE-Europe Governance IHE- Nationals Members IHE-National Membership => IHE-Europe Membership
14 Contributors Participate in Operational Cttee Members Membership Agreement Vote in Operational Cttee Steering Members Vote in Steering Cttee Steering Membership Agrement Membership fees IHE-Europe Governance
IHE National Initiatives - Co-Chairs must attend annual Full Strategic Meeting - 2 Representatives (1 user, 1 vendor) 2 votes 2 - Healthcare IT Users’ Assoc., Patients’ Assoc., Payers’ Assoc. - Represented by up to 2 persons if the Association is European 2 votes - Represented by 1 person if the Association is only National 1 vote - IHE-E may reimburse travel costs upon request 3 - Users - Shall have implemented IHE in their site (IHE in RFP or IHE Success Story) - Represented by 1 person 1 vote 4 - Vendors’ Associations - Represented by 1 person 1 vote 5 - European Vendors - shall have implemented IHE in their product - shall have participated to the IHE-Europe Connect-a-thon (1 in the last 2 years) - represented by 1 person 1 vote -elected Chairpersons of the 3 Operational Committees -+ elected Chairpersons of the 3 Operational Committees Steering Committee Members
16 Steering Committee Rules Membership fees Same Level for all Steering Member (5000 K€ in 2007) Chairs 2 co-chairs: one user, one vendor. Co-Chairs are elected for a two-year term renewable once. Meetings 2 face-to-face meetings : - Full Strategic Meeting (European CaT) - Full Meeting (5-6 months later) Decisions SC decisions are usually made by consensus, but some formal votes Voting rights - the Steering Members representatives - as many votes as representatives physically attending the Meeting - must have attended 1 of the 2 previous SC Meetings to vote
17 Secretariat Operationally, the IHE-Europe Consortium will be hosted by COCIR and INRIA : Operationally, the IHE-Europe Consortium will be hosted by COCIR and INRIA : supply “secretariat” function
18 A Legal Status for IHE-Europe IHE-Europe will also get a Legal Status COCIR and INRIA are mandated by IHE-Europe to : Elaborate the legal construction Elaborate the legal construction Write Bylaws based on the new governance Write Bylaws based on the new governance Write a Consortium Agreement Write a Consortium Agreement Write Membership Agreements Write Membership Agreements 1st Membership Agreement to be signed within the first months of 2007