Safety Documentation Formerly an exotic unknown, today part of the work!
Safety Documentation The obligation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO2
With the Quality Management Procedure: SAFETY FILES MANAGEMENT (EDMS ) The preparation of Safety Documentation has become obligatory Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO3
Safety Documentation Prepared essentially by the CSAP chairmen and the DSOs, with document quality assurance provided by EN-MEF, and B. Delille as moderator. Approved by the A & T sector director. Checked by the A & T sector department heads and the department head of the PH department 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO4
The Argumentation Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO5
What do we understand by Safety Documentation? The documentation required to prove that our facilities are conforming to rules and regulations, or that all necessary compensatory measures have been taken to assure that they can be operated and maintained safely, and that their integrity vis-a-vis the environment is guaranteed. Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO6
What do we understand by Safety Documentation? This documentation consists of: A description of the facility The demonstration of safety performance A set of operational procedures Records, experience and monitoring Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO7
Why prepare Safety Documentation? The departments and their constituent groups are responsible for their activities and the safety of these and the resulting installations. They must be able to prove the adherence to rules and regulations. Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO8
Why prepare Safety Documentation? The safety documentation is made by the departments for the departments The documentary interface to the HSE unit is based on the Launch Safety Agreement (LSA) Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO9
The Technical Documentation and the Safety Documentation Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO10
Every project engineer will probably agree that scientific and technical documentation is needed to advance on a project. Most operators of complex installations are probably in agreement on the need to have operational procedures. Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO11 Project or Installation Technical documentation required to progress with the project Safety documentation required to prove the safety of the project, and later installation Same project or installation, different viewpoint. A large %age of the Safety doc. can be derived from the tech. doc
The Contribution Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO12
Who is the most knowledgeable about a project or an installation? who is responsible for it! who has written or overseen the technical documentation! He or she who has worked it out right from the beginning! This is the ideal person to participate in the preparation of the safety documentation. Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO13
First a draft, derived from the technical documentation and referring to this via links wherever possible, discussed and reviewed with the Safety File Editor of the project or facility. After editing, this becomes the draft contribution to the safety file, ready for first formal review by the contributor and his group leader Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO14
The Contribution typically refers to: CDR TDR Work package descriptions Engineering specifications Technical Specifications ECR Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO15
You are not alone The effort is supported by Safety file editors, The safety offices in the departments and HSE We look forward to receive your contribution! Safety Documentation 13/10/2015J. Pedersen, EN DSO 16 We need Your contribution The project needs
The contribution for the Injection Septum by TE/ABT Safety Documentation The Example
Function, location, identification Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Based on Engineering Specification; Descriptive technical overview; Relevant parameters for safety aspects. Operational modes: normal, special, maintenance Relevant information for safety aspects DESCRIPTIVE PART
Function, location, identification Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT DESCRIPTIVE PART
Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Operational modes: normal, special, maintenance DESCRIPTIVE PART
Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Relevant information for safety aspects DESCRIPTIVE PART Information about the stray field region and the available space around the equipment are also interesting for workplace safety aspects.
Function, location, identification Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Based on Engineering Specification; Descriptive technical overview; Relevant parameters for safety aspects. Operational modes: normal, special, maintenance Relevant information for safety aspects DESCRIPTIVE PART You shall add illustrations and drawing numbers (ex: AD_MHMSAA0008) when of particular interest.
Contribution written during the Project phase Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Design and building DEMONSTRATIVE PART A good start… Operation and maintenance Dismantling and disposal … but we need to analyse the activities
Contribution written during the Project phase Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Design and building DEMONSTRATIVE PART
Contribution written during the Project phase Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Operation and maintenance DEMONSTRATIVE PART
Contribution written during the Project phase Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT Dismantling and disposal DEMONSTRATIVE PART
Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum done by TE/ABT OPERATIONAL PART For the time being, no operational procedures – Ok! Operation by Experts only.
Example of the contribution for the Injection Septum – the Editing process DESCRIPTIVE PART 1st Iteration… ELENA HW Baseline