The Lucan Gospel Part 1 Background to Luke The Prologue The Infancy Narrative Young Jesus Preparation for Ministry Jesus in Galilee The Journey to Jerusalem The Jerusalem Narrative
Background to Luke Probable Date Who was Luke? Original Audience/Community Connection to Acts of the Apostles
Themes to Notice Mission to the Gentiles Inclusion of Women Ministry to the Poor Delayed Parousia Present Kingdom of God
Prologue “many have undertaken to compile a narrative” Who are the 'many'? Can we infer the written gospels we know? Why does Luke feel qualified? “most excellent Theophilus” What does Theophilus mean? Who might he have been? How does this address color our reading of Luke?
Luke's Infancy Narrative Annunciations Zechariah and Elizabeth “Do not be afraid...” - why fear an angel? Mary the Virgin the Holy Spirit the Magnificat/Hannah's prayer (1 Sam )
Luke's Infancy Narrative Birth and Youth question of historicity: Augustus, Quirinius of Syria, census, Herod the Tetrarch shepherds Gloria circumcision/presentation Simeon and Anna Young Jesus in the Temple (rabbinic discussion, age of Bar Mitzvah)
Preparation for Ministry John the Baptist Lukan material Is John the Baptist the Christ Imprisonment of John the Baptist “You are my beloved Son...” a different translatin of. Ps 2.7 Genealogy from Adam Temptations: Qmaterial
Jesus in Galilee Rejection at Nazareth reading Isaiah citing Elijah and Elisha
Jesus in Galilee Healings Summons Controversy Choosing of 12 Sermon on the Plain Healings John the Baptist
The Journey to Jerusalem (transition: pardon of the sinful woman ) Women Parables More miracles 12 sent on mission Herod Feeding of the 5000 Confession, Prediction, Discipleship,Transfiguration Demoniac Prediction Who is greatest? whoever is not against you is for you
The Journey Continues Rejected in Samaria Let the Dead bury the Dead the 72: sending, Woes against Cities, return Discipleship Prayer response to demand for a sign: the 'queen of the south' Against the Pharisees: Division Reconciliation Parables of the Kingdom Herod's plot – Lament over Jerusalem Priority of service to God
The Journey's conclusion Parables: Lost Sheep and Lost Coin Lucan material: Prodigal Son, Unjust Steward Q sayings: Pharisees, Law, Divorce Lucan Material: Lazarus and Dives On the Kingdom of God Prediction Lucan Material: Zacchaeus Q passage: Parable of the Talents/10 coins