Riders on the Storm Rule 31 compliance in the first nine months
Presented by Rick Moldenhauer, MS, LADC, ICADC, LPC Treatment Services Consultant/State Methadone Authority P: (651) F: (651) Chemical Health Division, DHS PO Box St Paul, Minnesota
Rule 31 Programs as of 09/30/05 # of programs: 280 # serving adolescents: 133 # serving clients with children: 1 # serving co- occurring: 4 # serving methadone: 7 # providing room and board: 89
Rule 31 Program surveys released as of 9/30/05 # of programs: 44 # total citations 1338 Mean: Range 1-117
Generally Speaking Six stated they had not prepared for Rule 31 Three were given Conditional Licenses 1338 total citations to date (09/29/05) 44 released 1/1/05-9/30/05 Jan 05: none Feb 05: 7 March 05: 6 April 05: 7 May 05: 4 June 05: 8 July 05: 4 August 05: 7 Sept 05: 1
Analysis by section 1) Postings/Physical plant 2) Policies, Procedures and Practices 3) Vulnerable Adult 4) Client Recordkeeping 5) Personnel Policies 6) Staffing Requirements 7) Personnel Files 8) Client Records
Citations by month Jan: Feb: 11,12,10,12,34,30,28 Mar: 35, 19, 99, 111, 30 Apr: 26, 5, 9, 25, 21, 113, 9 May: 8, 26, 22, 15 June: 25, 27, 20, 18, 22, 1, 18, 15, July: 23, 19, 19, 1 Aug: 1, 1, 21, 117, 117, 117, 24 1, Sept: 18
Maltreatment of Minors
Vulnerable Adult
Policies, Procedures and Practices
Polices, Procedures and Practices
Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Prevention and Reporting Policies
Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment
Policies, Procedures and Practices-Client Recordkeeping
Client Recordkeeping
Personnel Policies, Procedures and Practices
Staffing Requirements
Personnel Files
Client Record Contents