Sexual Motivation
Sex Is Natural We are all motivated to have sex. Without that motivation, none of us would be here. How do we (as scientists) find out about sex? We ask!!!!
Kinsey’s Studies Confidential interviews with 18,000 people (in early 1950’s). Most men and half of all women have premarital sex. Almost all men and women masturbate. Revealed varied sexual behavior Criticized for using mostly white, well-educated people from Indiana Good Start- but major problems with his study- sampling, questions etc….
The Physiology of Sex In the 1960’s William Masters and Virginia Johnson set out to explore the physiology of sex. 382 females and 312 males. Only people who were willing to have sex and display orgasm in a lab environment. Filmed more than 10,000 sex cycles.
Results of M & J Study The Sexual Response Cycle (Four Stages) 1.Excitement Phase: genitals become engorged in blood (men and women) and women will lubricate. 2.Plateau Phase: excitement peaks, breathing, pulse increases, tip of penis may exhibit seminal fluid, clitoris retracts- orgasm feels imminent.
Results of M & J Study (Continued) 3.Orgasm: muscle contractions all over the body, women’s contractions actually help propel sperm and position uterus to increase chances of conception. Man and woman only aware of rhythmic genital contractions. 4.Resolution Phase: everything slows down and men enter a refractory period (which can last from minutes to over a day) where he is incapable of another orgasm.
Two Extremes of Sexual Attitudes Extreme Erotophobia) Extreme Erotophilia Enjoy pornographic movies Find group sex entertaining Long-term sexual relationships with more than one partner are acceptable Approve of pre- marital sex Love doesn’t have to link with sex More premarital sex partners than erotophobes Dislike talking about sex Masturbate less Engage in less-frequent breast cancer self- examinations Fewer gynecological check-ups Less likely to take steps for effective contraception Sex not discussed in their families Grades in Human Sexuality courses are lower than Erotophilias Positive Attitudes? Negative Attitudes? Sexual Education? Positive attitudes don’t mean a healthy lifestyle. What attitudes are healthy (psychologically, socially, physically, morally)?
Adolescent Sexuality Culture About ½ of all high school kids in US report having sex- rates are higher in Western Europe but lower in Arab or Asian countries. Also change over time in the same culture: in % of women reported having sex by 18. Now that number is around half.
Only about 1/3 of sexually active male teenagers use condoms- WHY? Ignorance Guilt around sex No Communication Alcohol Use Mass Media norms of unprotected promiscuity
Sexual Orientation Enduring sexual attraction toward members of our own sex (homosexual orientation) or the other sex (heterosexual orientation) Cultures vary in their attitudes toward homosexuality
Homosexuality Recognize around 20 years old 3-4% of Population Ostracized, jokes, doubt, guilt. Not a result of: parenting hatred of other gender hormones (currently in blood) molestation Biological differences in the hypothalamus Heterosexual males have larger cell clusters than homosexual males Genetics: Yes, according to Twin Studies Exposure to hormones (typically exp. By female fetuses) during pregnancy-b/w 2nd-5th month NATURE OR NURTURE?
How is Sexual Orientation Determined There has been NO evidence that sexuality is socially determined. Kids raised by gay parents are no more likely to be gay that if they were raised by hetero parents. Thus, it is likely that sexuality is biologically determined.
The Brain Simon LeVay discovered that there is a cluster of cells in the hypothalamus that is larger in heterosexual men than in heterosexual women or homosexual men. However, the cluster could be socially developed or some other biological factor.
Genetics If one identical twin is homosexual, the other twin has about a 50% chance of being gay (about 20% for fraternal twins). What does this mean?
Prenatal Environment Current research seems to point to the hormonal levels in the prenatal environment. We have been able to create lesbian sheep!!! What are the ethical issues here?
Belongingness Motivation Idea that humans do not live as islands and are motivated to connect to others. Why? –Aids Survival –Creates relationships to pass genes into the future.
Achievement Motivation: A desire for significant accomplishment, for mastering skills or ideas, for control, and for rapidly attaining a high standard. = Achievement ? NO If not, where does achievement motivation come from? Who do you know that has high achievement motivation?
Sources of Achievement Motivation From parents who stress independence From parents who praise/reward for success Children learn that achievement = positive emotions & competence Birth Order (1st borns=higher achievers, Later borns = more freewheeling & creative)
INTRINSIC vs. EXTRINSIC A desire to perform a behavior for its own sake and to be effective. A desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards or threats of punishment. Why are you in AP Psych? Parents. Need the credit. Save money in college. Why are you in AP Psych? Interesting Curiosity Competent
MOTIVATING OTHERS Student of the Week Present a Challenge Goal I did it! Lesson Plan: by AP Psych Students Goal: To pass the AP Psych Exam How will you do it? Students Decide Accomplishment Affiliation Recognition Which motive is highest in the U.S.?
Achievement motivation Those with high achievement motivation will choose tasks that are moderately difficult. Not too hard because they want to achieve. Not too easy because they want to feel good about themselves. Where would one stand to practice if they had high achievement motivation?