Chesapeake Bay By: Ruth Boakye
Why is it important to have a variety of living thing in the bay? It is important to have a variety of living things in the bay. The blue crabs are important to the bay because they are food for some animals. The zooplankton are important because they play an important role in the food web. The widgeon grass are important to the bay because they keep the bay healthy blue crabs, zooplankton are important to the bay.
Blue crabs The blue crabs help to keep the bay inportent because they are food for some animals in the bay. Adult female crabs release larvae (called zoeas) blue crabs are crustaceans. Blue crabs eat young crabs and dead plants. Striped bass eat crabs as well as the atlantic croaker blue crabs are so inportent to the bay. Male crabs are known as the jimmies. The female crabs are known a the sooks.
widen grass The widen grass are important to the bay to keep the bay water clean. To keep crabs and fish from being distroyed. Perduces oxagen that other animals need. it pervents land erosions.
Why are zooplankton important to the bay. zooplankton are important to the bay because they play an important role in the food web. They are food to other sea animals in the bay. They can come in any sizes (small big mediam) They let the ocean move them different places. There ages can be 8-11.
conclusion These are some reasons why these animals are important to the bay. They help keep other animals safe and healthy and they keep the bay looking clean. (widen grass,blue crabs, zooplantion and others)