Program Delivery System A program delivery system is a planned and organized structure of individual program delivery methods that have been chosen for a specific educational purpose and are appropriately integrated to accomplish an educational objective. Some methods: –Experiential : those that allow the learner to gain experience with or to "feel" the information presented. It may occur through physical activity or it may involve the senses, emotions, or social interaction, depending on the content of the educational program. –Reinforcement: those that provide informational, emotional, or social support for the learner to facilitate learning and enhance or maintain the motivation to continue in the learning process. –Integrative – those that provide the learner with the opportunities to discuss, clarify, or otherwise gain greater understanding of new information. These methods generally provide opportunities for learners to merge new information with their existing knowledge. –Others - those methods that are applicable in a wide variety of systems or that can be used for limited or special situations
Program Delivery System, contd… Several factors should be considered when selecting program delivery methods for a program delivery system: –the targeted audience –the learning objective –the type and content of the message being provided –the characteristics of the delivery method –the method's utility for providing desired learning support Ultimately, select those methods that seem most appropriate and logical for meeting the learning needs of the targeted audience, and make adjustments as needed based on program evaluations.
Learning Continum (A guide in the selection of appropriate training methods) Expert Expert More exploratory More guided Novice Novice
On the Job (OJT) training oJob instruction training (Prepare the worker–Present the task–Practice–Follow up) oJob Rotation (Assignments to different deptts; orient-train-evaluate) oCoaching (Supervisor-subordinate; supportive & correctional) oMentoring (Sr. manager-junior;supportive & increasing responsibility)
Classroom Training Approaches o Lecture oDiscussion (Direct questions; reflective questions; open ended questions) oAudiovisual media (Static media; dynamic media; teleconferencing) oExperiential methods (Cases; business games; simulations; role plays; behavior modeling) oComputer based/self paced training (Computer; Internet & intranet based)
Influencing Factors HRD Interventions Number of learners Time scale Resources available Organizational demands Aims & objectives Support available
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